Calories left at the end of the day: do you roll over to the next day?

KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
I have 600 calories left (I eat 1700/day). This is almost unheard of as I love food, lol I'm thinking I will roll them over to tomorrow, then giving me 2,300 calories for the day. :)

Anyone else do this?


  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Perfectly fine to do this :). many people look at their calories as a weekly goal, rather than daily. Handy for weekends which is when people often eat/drink a bit more. So long as you're coming out at the correct deficit for the week it's all good!
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    As said above, I use it as a weekly goal
    I see a pizza day in your future!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    The whole point of a calorie deficit is to accumulate a long string of days with a calorie deficit in each, leading to weight loss and a lifestyle change of living the life of a smaller person than you lived before.

    Gaming the numbers to 'deserve' reverting to your old habits for a day or two might not be much of a lifestyle change.

    This in no way prevents one from enjoying pizza, as I did for my dinner on this day when I have over 500 calories remaining.
  • 43501
    43501 Posts: 85 Member
    You can do it, since as others have pointed out it still achieves a net loss (i.e. calorie deficit), but I try to eat whatever my assigned cals are for a day just because I can end up confusing myself.

    More often for me, it's a case of over-indulging one day and then going "okay, I'm going to take it easy and reign it in" the next day. So, the exact inverse of what's being discussed by OP, lol.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    The whole point of a calorie deficit is to accumulate a long string of days with a calorie deficit in each, leading to weight loss and a lifestyle change of living the life of a smaller person than you lived before.

    Gaming the numbers to 'deserve' reverting to your old habits for a day or two might not be much of a lifestyle change.

    This in no way prevents one from enjoying pizza, as I did for my dinner on this day when I have over 500 calories remaining.

    I eat pizza on a deficit as well, FYI, banking calories just allows me to eat MORE pizza, and maybe a beer as well.

    Anyway-I couldn't disagree with you more. Maybe eating the same lower calories every day is what works as a lifestyle change for you. What works for ME is to eat a little less on days I'm not as hungry, and give myself the flexibility to eat a little more on weekends or special occasions.

    The point of a calorie deficit is to lose weight, not to string together a bunch of days. That's just the approach you took. I would actually argue that my approach will transition more easily into maintenance, and will ultimately allow me to stop counting-if I ever have the desire to do so. Because I have created a mentality that allows me to "splurge" and enjoy myself, and then reign it in and eat a little less to make up for it. Not forcing myself to eat some exact arbitrary number every single day for life.