Can't lose

Leboo74 Posts: 30 Member
I have cut my food intake to 2 protien shakes and grilled chicken with strawberries and spinach. I have in the past been very sedintary but since cutting food intake I've been hiking 3 miles per day. I'm on like day 14 and have hardly lost an ounce. I'm so discouraged I want to pull the covers over my head and eat Velveeta right out of the box.


  • cyndblackburn
    cyndblackburn Posts: 4 Member
    I wish I had words of wisdom for you about weight loss...unfortunately, I clicked on your post because I feel the same way. No, I don't feel it--I AM it. Two months on keto diet--with exercise!--and only five pounds lost. WTH?

    Other people have said to hang in there, that weight loss will come in time. I'm hoping they're right, because this is discouraging. The only thing I can tell myself is that at least I KNOW I'm doing what's right for my body and my health, and that a better diet is a positive change over the way I was eating and not exercising. So I'm trying to look at this diet thing as a chance to give myself better health, even if I don't like the numbers on the scale right now.

    So I'll repeat what others tell me: Don't give up! Weight loss will come in time! Concentrate on how much better you feel than you did when you ate whatever you wanted--at least you're not feeling guilty and disgusted with yourself, right? :smile:
  • cyndblackburn
    cyndblackburn Posts: 4 Member
    Besides, Velveeta is nasty. It's not even real cheese. It's "cheese food", whatever the heck that is... don't do it! (I feel like I'm trying to talk you off a ledge...)
  • erickamason1982
    erickamason1982 Posts: 4 Member
    Keep your head high. You got this. I'm doing keto/os this is the only thing that has ever gave me results
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    Calories matter, and probably a lot of people will soon be chiming in to say this, if they haven't already by the time this comment is posted. I know it's probably not what you want to hear! But are you paying attention to calories? Measuring them accurately? If not, please don't give up. Start tracking them accurately, and results will follow. No need to restrict your foods and deprive yourself so that you're miserable!

    As someone who avoided thinking about calories in the past, I know your frustration firsthand. No amount of exercise was sufficient for me to lose weight by working out alone, and no restrictive diet was sufficient for me to cope with long enough to lose much weight or to keep it off. I now weigh almost all of my food and try diligently to log it all accurately. And, I've been losing at the rate of 2 lbs/week for the past two months by doing this. I'm happy with that, and I'm NOT starving myself. In fact, I think I may even make some cheese dip with Velveeta soon...but you can bet I'll make sure it fits in with my calorie goals.

    Anyway, I hope you find what works for you. Giving up is SO not worth it. You can do this!
  • Leboo74
    Leboo74 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not actually gonna eat velveeta. That's actually a quote from the golden girls. I'm just saying I'm discouraged. I count every calorie. My protein shakes are only 180 calories each. 1 gram sugar. My chicken weighs in at 100-120 calories. I eat 2 cups spinach at 44 calories. My strawberries are less than 50 calories per portion. I'm burning close to 300 a day. I'm over 42, it truly makes a difference. I've never had this hard of a time loding
  • Leboo74
    Leboo74 Posts: 30 Member
    * losing, sorry
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    Is that all you're eating in a day? If that's the case, you are way under eating. What is your total calorie intake for the day?
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    Rufftimes wrote: »
    Is that all you're eating in a day? If that's the case, you are way under eating. What is your total calorie intake for the day?

    Not necessarily. 5 lbs of grilled chicken and 1 lb of strawberries with 2 protein shakes would easily put me over my 2500 calorie daily allowance
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    Exactly, but that's why I'm much of each are you eating. What is your total daily?
  • bigguyreed
    bigguyreed Posts: 64 Member
    The only thing I can say is don't give up on yourself. How long did it take you to put on the weight? Sometimes the body isn't sure what you are doing. Use the calorie counter and keep track of what you are eating. It took me a few weeks to start dropping weight. I was lucky to have some one that pushed me when I wanted to quit. Slow and steady wins the race, you can do it. There are many great people here to inspire you.
  • Leboo74
    Leboo74 Posts: 30 Member
    I am only having 2 of these 160 calorie shakes, 1 piece of grilled chicken, 2 cups of raw spinach, and about a cup of strawberries. I try to keep it as low as possible. I occasionally snack on almonds. And as much lemon water as I can drink. That's been my daily intake of food for a couple weeks now.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    I have cut my food intake to 2 protien shakes and grilled chicken with strawberries and spinach. I have in the past been very sedintary but since cutting food intake I've been hiking 3 miles per day. I'm on like day 14 and have hardly lost an ounce. I'm so discouraged I want to pull the covers over my head and eat Velveeta right out of the box.
    1. 2 Weeks is not enough time to dictate that what you're doing isn't working
    2. Additionally, as you've recently taken up hiking you're probably retaining water for muscle repair
    3. As a woman you will also retain water at different times throughout your menstrual cycle

    Are you planning on living on shakes, chicken, spinach and strawberries for the rest of your life? I have to say that would depress the hell out of me.

    Set yourself a sustainable calorie goal and eat a variety of foods you like. There is no need to starve yourself to lose weight.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I am only having 2 of these 160 calorie shakes, 1 piece of grilled chicken, 2 cups of raw spinach, and about a cup of strawberries. I try to keep it as low as possible. I occasionally snack on almonds. And as much lemon water as I can drink. That's been my daily intake of food for a couple weeks now.

    Eat more. 1200 calories minimum, if not the goal MFP gave you.

    That said, it's only been two weeks. Most likely if the hiking is a new thing for you your body is retaining water. But you do need to fuel your body.
  • caryll4
    caryll4 Posts: 21 Member
    It,s very important to log everything that we eat. I just found out .my calorie requirements is 1200 a day to loose 2 lbs a week, I walk 50 minutes a day, which you can use the extra calories into your daily count, if I use them I don,t loose, so am trying to stick to my 1200 daily. I do like this program very much
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    caryll4 wrote: »
    It,s very important to log everything that we eat. I just found out .my calorie requirements is 1200 a day to loose 2 lbs a week, I walk 50 minutes a day, which you can use the extra calories into your daily count, if I use them I don,t loose, so am trying to stick to my 1200 daily. I do like this program very much

    You are most likely under-estimating your food intake or over-estimating your burn if you're not losing on 1200 calories + calories from a 50 minute walk. Do you use a food scale for logging?
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    what you described for your daily intake totals 540 calories in a day. It's unhealthy and won't help you lose weight faster. set your goals in MFP and follow what they tell you. If you have a preference to low carb or Keto (like I do), then read up on that, but you still need to eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    I am only having 2 of these 160 calorie shakes, 1 piece of grilled chicken, 2 cups of raw spinach, and about a cup of strawberries. I try to keep it as low as possible. I occasionally snack on almonds. And as much lemon water as I can drink. That's been my daily intake of food for a couple weeks now.


    How are you not going crazy??? Do you have any dressing on the spinach at least? Oh man, I definitely couldn't do that.

    So as others have pointed out there's a couple things to consider:

    1. You're eating way more than you think you are, or are being honest about - and that's really ok. It takes time to make big changes, and usually they happen in small steps at a time.
    2. You're not burning as much as you think you are
    3. A combination of 1 and 2.

    If it's only been 2 weeks give it some time . . . however if you're really eating that little and coming from a place where you were over eating and have a bit to lose (or a lot, not sure as you didn't mention it) and you weren't active at all for a long time then my guess is going to go towards food. I am not saying it to be mean but be honest with yourself about what you're eating. You don't owe any of us an explanation but if that truly was all you're eating a in a day and you're exercising you would see something by now.

    It's CICO. I doubt you're going to be a special snowflake and I won't give you the "because starvation . . . " answer so many seem to be looking for on here. I am not trying to be mean or rude, but CICO is how our bodies work. It's common amongst all of us, really.
  • AnneMGrace
    AnneMGrace Posts: 5 Member
    Water really helps me..80-100 0z a day .if your not sure. Don't eat it.. I still count calories and carbs 13 pounds in 3.5 weeks. Very low excerise . Because I have a bad back mostly just walking . Good luck
  • Leboo74
    Leboo74 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not lying to myself or anyone about my food intake. I'm 50 pounds overweight. I recently was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I'm also getting married in July. I am purposely restricting calories in hopes of losing some before wedding. I'm sure after wedding I'll up my calorie intake. But I'm pre diabetic and now have high blood pressure so I'm dedicated to making my lifestyle change permanent.
  • Rufftimes
    Rufftimes Posts: 349 Member
    also, define snacking on almonds. a cup of almonds is about 800 calories. And I can eat a cup of almonds in about three minutes