Finding replacements for stress eating!

I'm a mom of three who is staying home after seven years of teaching. Looking for people who want to start new habits in place of stress eating!


  • ljswartz33
    ljswartz33 Posts: 1 Member
    Me! I'm a stay at home mom of 2, been home for 2 years and keep going to the kitchen when I'm stressed, tired, bored, etc. What do you instead of stress eating?
  • anaxmann
    anaxmann Posts: 103 Member
    I try not to buy things that I stress eat (mostly peanut butter and chips), so now stress eating involves mostly pickles. Also, if I stay out of the kitchen I eat a lot less.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    I don't tend to stress eat fruits and vegetables, so I try not to keep anything in a "ready-to-eat" form that I would stress eat on.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    Exercise ... brisk walks, bicycle rides, etc. :)
  • hzl22
    hzl22 Posts: 157 Member
    I clean .. but that's not as fun :/
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    hzl22 wrote: »
    I clean .. but that's not as fun :/

    Me too :/
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    I'm a mom of three who is staying home after seven years of teaching. Looking for people who want to start new habits in place of stress eating!

    I'm in! It's hard with little ones as they eat things that are more portable and snack-able like cereal or fruit with peanut butter. Can be hard to avoid when stressed/exhausted! I like the exercise suggestions and the idea of just not buying snacks. The kids do survive without crackers etc.
  • mystgrl28
    mystgrl28 Posts: 43 Member
    Keeping an eye on this thread, as i stress eat a lot! Actually, stress is not the only trigger :( im an emotional eater. I eat when im happy, when im sad, when im bored, etc. Dont keep any snacks in the house, but i'd quite happily cook and eat anyway. Portion control is my downfall :/ i'm trying meal planning at the moment to teach me portion control but just end up eating a whole meal out of schedule. Hahahaha!

    I need something to eat without calories. And cant do gum as i have braces!
  • mamabear1114
    mamabear1114 Posts: 140 Member
    I stopped buying my "trigger foods". When I'm stressed, I will want one of these foods and then a little taste turns into a binge. Things like candy bars, cookies, potato chips etc. Now I just have to deal with my emotions like an emotionally stable person YEESH.
  • victory4u2002
    victory4u2002 Posts: 4 Member
    Prayer helps a lot, truly.
  • amiraammora
    amiraammora Posts: 33 Member
    I stopped buying my "trigger foods". When I'm stressed, I will want one of these foods and then a little taste turns into a binge. Things like candy bars, cookies, potato chips etc. Now I just have to deal with my emotions like an emotionally stable person YEESH.

    Good for you!! Im exactly like that, working on the stable part
  • mamabear1114
    mamabear1114 Posts: 140 Member
    I stopped buying my "trigger foods". When I'm stressed, I will want one of these foods and then a little taste turns into a binge. Things like candy bars, cookies, potato chips etc. Now I just have to deal with my emotions like an emotionally stable person YEESH.

    Good for you!! Im exactly like that, working on the stable part

    LOL! It will come in time. It's really not easy to break bad habits like that. I still have bad days, and I accept that. But at least if you don't keep that stuff in the house, then if you do slip up, it won't be as detrimental. I know I definitely never stress ate vegetables until I felt sick. Lol. You will get there. :)))
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    I stopped buying my "trigger foods".

    Now I just have to deal with my emotions like an emotionally stable person YEESH.

    Agree completely. Even if the kids or my husband like it, I am not beholden to buying junk food! I am so emotional... it takes a lot some days.

    Staying busy helps. Learning how to rest. I use MFP to just take a break sometimes and it really helps!
    Prayer helps a lot, truly.


  • leannamvaughan
    leannamvaughan Posts: 44 Member
    mystgrl28 wrote: »
    Keeping an eye on this thread, as i stress eat a lot! Actually, stress is not the only trigger :( im an emotional eater. I eat when im happy, when im sad, when im bored, etc. Dont keep any snacks in the house, but i'd quite happily cook and eat anyway. Portion control is my downfall :/ i'm trying meal planning at the moment to teach me portion control but just end up eating a whole meal out of schedule. Hahahaha!

    I need something to eat without calories. And cant do gum as i have braces!

    I feel the same! I usually have to do 2 or 3 larger meals a day cause I stress eat. It's easier for me to stay in my calorie range by only letting myself eat a few times a day, but letting me get pretty full!
  • nb4802
    nb4802 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree that it's so hard not to eat when stressed or feeling emotional. I'm really struggling to find the motivation lately. It's especially hard when other people in your household still want to buy and eat the fattening foods and then you just get tempted. If you're more of a snacker like me, then I think that ice lollies are one of the best low fat snacks, that still feels like a treat.
  • mystgrl28
    mystgrl28 Posts: 43 Member
    I dont even have trigger foods to avoid :D i can eat whatever, doesnt matter to me. I've recognised it is impulse control and will power i am very low on, but i am so bad at motivating myself and most times i self-sabotage :( i've fallen off the bandwagon and gotten on again so many times i feel like all of this is too much effort sometimes and i might as well die as a gorgeous, fat lady wahahhahahahahahaha
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Hot bubble bath.