Well here I go...

Hello all, I'm Tannis. I've signed up recently to help me keep track of what I'm putting into my system. There's a "Challenge" going on at my clinic right now. Who can lose the most weight in 3 mths? And while I'm all for having signed up. I'm not really "in it to win it", as the saying goes.
I've been coming to the realization that I'm actually NOT Wonderwoman or Xena; Warrior Princess!:noway:
And I do actually need to "shape up". I've got 3 really beautiful reasons to do so. In the form of my awesome chibi(little ones in Japanese)! Though granted my oldest has just turned 15 and is over 6 ft tall! :huh:

I do have some health obstacles too. Degenerative back, gluten and lactose intolerance. And there are diabetes and heart disease in the family. But I don't see these as scary or excuses anymore. More of an eye opener to take better care of not just my children, but myself as well.

Hoping to make friends on here while doing this as well. And am pretty sure I'll be keeping this going past the 3 mth time frame.

And btw, Final Fantasy/Dark Souls/Halo/Super Mario Bros playing, Manga reading, Anime watching, fantasy drawing NERD/GEEK Momma! :bigsmile:


  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Welcome to MFP first off. Secondly no matter what your goal is in the long run you do need the mind set of "In it to win it" if you cannot commit fully to this challenge it is going to be an ongoing losing battle. Like running out of ammo in HALO on legendary mode with no refills in sight.

    Getting anywhere with health and fitness takes pure heart. You have it or you don't .. but make up your mind and be true to yourself. Dig down deep! Deeper then you ever have before.

  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Welcome geeky momma. It's a weird journey (and MPF is a weird place) but us geeks love our gadgety goodness and it works. Good luck!
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    I think it's good that you aren't getting too competitive about the clinic challenge. We all lose weight at different rates, and the important thing is to make healthy long term lifestyle changes.
  • CaGaChAn
    CaGaChAn Posts: 8
    I am committed to learning and educating myself on the weight loss journey. And has been an eye opener for exercise and calorie consumption.When I went gluten free(never knew how many things had gluten in their ingredients) and paid more attention to the labels on the foods I ate, I felt horrified and sick. Because I had already started looking at portion control. :grumble:

    With the other health stuff it was trying to find a fitness routine that would benefit me with my back and heart. I take walks for about 30 minutes at lunch time. If a couple of coworkers see this they'll attest to me grumbling trying to not walk so fast. Took me a couple of weeks to maximize that walk.
    I also take a longer walk in the evening at home. I'd just recently moved into a great neighborhood that is full of inclines and drops. So a natural treadmill. :wink:

    But I admit that I'm confused about the planner on here. If I'm doing it properly. :embarassed:

    And yes, am a smiley fiend as well!
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    And btw, Final Fantasy/Dark Souls/Halo/Super Mario Bros playing, Manga reading, Anime watching, fantasy drawing NERD/GEEK Momma! :bigsmile:

    Me too! We should be friends!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    "With the other health stuff it was trying to find a fitness routine that would benefit me with my back and heart." - this is something you should really speak to your doctor about first. I would love to help out and support as much as possible. But please do talk to your care giver first and find out what your restrictions should be as you start off. I did a full physical before I started just to play it safe and 74lbs later I am going stronger then ever. Just be smart about it. EAT and eat right don't starve yourself ever.
  • CaGaChAn
    CaGaChAn Posts: 8
    Definitely! Would recommend that to anyone. Working in the medical field just gives me easier access to ones. Swimming, walking and light weights are preferable for me.

    And I really do like the MFP on here. Because I'm cutting back on calories and they're not "empty". So I don't feel like I'm dieting.And doesn't feel like a chore. I do like that this has gotten me back into my kitchen too! I used to get really down and didn't feel like cooking. Now I'm always in my email every morning popping up a new recipe. Am enjoying that.