Suggestions please

Background - 31 year old mama of two. Been eating better and working out intermittently for the last nearly 4 months (since April).
I've thus far lost 25.5 lbs. I played soccer my entire life, even my first year of college. (age 5 to age 19) Then life happened and I haven't worked out hardly at all (okay none). The past 3 weeks I've been walking our new dog several times a week and just yesterday and today I started running some of it. My quads are so sore already!! Normal I guess for someone who hasn't worked out?

I was thinking of attempting like a couchto5k kind of app. I know there are similar ones too. Whats the best? I'm still a bigger girl and strenuous totally terrifies me.

I'm ready to icy hot myself and get it done...I really would like to accelerate this loss a little bit and actually be in shape (or close to it?).

I can't believe I'm even going to be this open with my "stats" but whatever. I just want people suggesting things to know what kind of position I'm in so they don't suggest something that might kill me. Haha.

I'm 5'5".
SW: 237.5
CW: 212
MiniGW: 207.5 by August 7th (our 9th wedding anniversary, 30 lb loss)
Longer term GW: 177.5 (60 lb loss) - I'm going to celebrate by going indoor skydiving!
Ultimate GW: I'm not sure yet! When I feel hot and healthy!