Looking to lose 30kg from 90kg

bexxiepotato Posts: 10 Member
I've been overweight (obese according to my BMI) for many years now and I've been in the 90s for a few years now and have always struggled to lose weight even when I've been eating healthy and exercising to the point I've given up a few times because it seemed useless.
I've got a gym membership and I'm now a vegetarian and still struggling.

If anyone had any tips to help me with this like what are the best ways and what to do to lose this weight I would be ever so greatful.

New friends will be great too :)


  • BWA468
    BWA468 Posts: 101 Member
    Will send you a friend request. Im currently 97.1 :( I just stay within my calorie allowance. I only do walking for exercise but its nothing intense and I dont log it as I wont eat back those calories cause I dont trust they're correct (Map My Walk was giving me at least 100 calories more than MFP which is already over estimated). I still eat Pizza and chocolate. I drink lots of water. Staying within calorie allowance is all you should need to do :) Worry about the healthiness side of things later when you get used to your calorie allowance
  • Cheriesaurus
    Cheriesaurus Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 93kg and want to get to 60kg, lowest I've been is 70kg a couple of years ago but bad habits come back so easily.

    It does get so tough, the amount of times we can go up and down..I just keep trying, better than not trying..I guess.

    I've got youfoodz planned for this week.
  • gagan28
    gagan28 Posts: 1 Member
    I m also in same boat as urs , looking for some new friends to inspire me to keep going . I m also vegetarian and always struggle to for my protein intake for a day