Weight loss tips welcome and new friends

I've been overweight (obese according to my BMI) for many years now and I've been in the 90s for a few years now and have always struggled to lose weight even when I've been eating healthy and exercising to the point I've given up a few times because it seemed useless.
I've got a gym membership and I'm now a vegetarian and still struggling.

If anyone had any tips to help me with this like what are the best ways and what to do to lose this weight I would be ever so greatful.

New friends will be great too :)


  • beanz744
    beanz744 Posts: 221 Member
    edited May 2017
    if u got the will, i got the way :p:p

    its most likely that u were eating too much. weigjt loss doesnt care if its good food or bad food, it only care about how much u eat. to lose weight, u need to eat at a calorie deficit, meaning ur calories intake is less than u burned and thats it.

    1. buy a food scale (the most important tool u'll need.)
    2. set up a profile with an easy goal at first (start with .5 or 1lbs a week for the first 2 weeks to ease ur body into it). MFP will give u a daily allowance so u dont need to figure it out yourself.
    3. log EVERYTHING u eat EVERYDAY
    4. Only eat back half the calories that u burned at most if u decide to exercise (the MFP numbers r too optimistic for exercises)
    5. join an online challenge (optional)
    6. ditch any non supportive friends
    7. donate all junk foods (ASAP)
    8. dont tell people that u r trying to lose weight coz most will tell u to EAT MORE (smile n ignore them if they do but do not give in coz u have a goal n they dont)
    9. google search for recipes if needed

    u cant fail even if u just only do the 1st 3 items. GOOD LUCK!!!

    PS u dont need to exercise if u dont want n 3 days r good enough unless u like to do more.
  • sanjana22malhotra
    sanjana22malhotra Posts: 1 Member
    I am looking for the tips to loose weight quickly, though i am in my very busy schedule and hardly get a time to work out for me or leave my seat from front of my PC .So, really in a need to have some tips which can actually works with my routine. My current weight is 68 and i need to loose 4 kgs in a month which seems more tough coz for me loosing weight from my body seems so hard and i am on already low carbs diet. Wven i log my food every day but seems still not working . I dont know wjat and where i am doing wrong , but yes i am very lazy with the exercises.I just want to have effective and quick results, can anyone suggest the type of food and exercises possible at home which will work to see effective change in a month.!