Binge eat

Does anyone just binge eat? I binge eat so much, even when I'm full! Any advice on how to stop. And if I do eat healthy and then eat one bad thing I think oh might as well just start tomorrow, and binge eat that day!


  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    Controlling it is key I would think...why do you binge? Is it emotional? Did an event/situation cause this? Is it hormonal? (Not knowing gender) I tend to binge the week of my cycle and it's my hormones going freaking crazy. I do my best to pick foods that aren't calorie dense and wait it out because I know it'll pass :D
  • beanfacekilla
    beanfacekilla Posts: 69 Member
    edited May 2017
    I do. I eat more than 50% at night after getting home from "the office".

    But the things I eat are all healthy. I also balance my macros pretty decent most times too.

    For some reason, I always get hungry I'm the last 4 hours before I go to sleep. So, I started eating alot then. I eat a small breakfast, finish out calories with light eating until midnight (when my day is over on MFP diary), and try to balance macros. I get up at like 3pm. I have late night job.

    Repeat. Been losing around 1.5-2lbs/week doing this for about 7 it 8 weeks now.

    I have heard that eating before bed is bad. I did Google search what kinds of things to eat, and I avoid fatty foods and focus on protein rich, and if and bread is involved, it is higher quality wheat bread products only.

    Like dude I'll eat 1,000 calories in 2 or 3 hours at night. I have 1700 calories for the day.

    I used to binge eat at night before I changed my lifestyle. I still do, but I changed what I eat and log it.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Black/white thinking (good vs bad, healthy vs unhealthy) and choosing immediate gratification over long term goals go hand in hand. Perfectionism and impatience have no place in a healthy eating pattern. Most people are able to, and will occasionally, eat past full. But it's possible to not do it, too. You just have to not do it. It's easier to do what you intend when you have a clear plan, and when you aren't afraid, and a clear plan is knowing what you want, and why, and how you're going to achieve it, and you'll be less afraid when you know what's what.
  • YouGotThis435
    YouGotThis435 Posts: 29 Member
    edited May 2017
    I'm a binge eater as well. I very seldomly experience hunger to the point that at times I've had trouble recognizing the feeling. I eat solely because I enjoy the taste of food and because I consider it a pleasurable activity, I have trouble keeping discipline and not indulging in obscene amounts.

    Basically I've come to look at myself as an addict. I identify and keep out of the house large quantities of my trigger foods. The worst being sweets and fast food, this I can only indulge in once a week/2 weeks, only when I have developed a routine of discipline. Fast food only once a month. Though I have to be extremely careful because every time i relapse, its due to over indulging in one of these two.

    Though I can be tempted to over indulge on a home cooked meal, often since Im preparing them, I have more control the calories that goes into the meal. Discipline is a must, your gonna have to work on it but I often add vegetable to my favorite meals to stretch them out to bigger proportions w/o more calories. For ex. Spaghetti with a cup of broccoli mixed in. Salmon and rice with mushrooms porcult. A lot of seasonings have no calories so do be afraid to use them to spice up vegetables in meals. Also some condiments don't either like mustard.

    But eliminating foods in your diet injected with artificial flavorings (not seasonings but flavors on steroids listed in ingredients you often don't know what it is)that hijack your taste buds will be the best thing to do to eliminate food binges. Don't have to do cold turkey but just dial it back and stick to the limit you set for yourself
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Does anyone just binge eat? I binge eat so much, even when I'm full! Any advice on how to stop. And if I do eat healthy and then eat one bad thing I think oh might as well just start tomorrow, and binge eat that day!

    I binge eat every day. I call it lunch or dinner. My dinner was 1500 calories yesterday. But I practice IF and save 90% of my calories for one meal.
    There is nothing wrong with eating larger amounts of food at once, as long as you can plan for it and don't go over your calories for the day.
  • emhorn625
    emhorn625 Posts: 35 Member
    Just read an article about when you eat. I thought I was binge eating at night but actually I wasn't eating enough during the day and then pigged out at night. The article suggests eating breakfast (which I never do), a big, healthy lunch (should be the biggest meal calorie-wise of the day) and a light, no carb dinner. Lots of lean protien, veggies and fruit. Some beans and whole grain. Going to give it a shot and see if it helps.
  • yskaldir
    yskaldir Posts: 202 Member
    Try eating just one meal a day if you have trouble stopping once you start
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Does anyone just binge eat? I binge eat so much, even when I'm full! Any advice on how to stop. And if I do eat healthy and then eat one bad thing I think oh might as well just start tomorrow, and binge eat that day!

    I binge eat every day. I call it lunch or dinner. My dinner was 1500 calories yesterday. But I practice IF and save 90% of my calories for one meal.
    There is nothing wrong with eating larger amounts of food at once, as long as you can plan for it and don't go over your calories for the day.

    It is not the calorie amount that denotes a binge. Instead, it is the lack of control during eating and the eating to the point of being uncomfortably full. Shame or eating in secrecy are also factors. Please don't treat it lightly.
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I struggle with this a lot. I take each day as it comes, and try to focus on having a healthy mindset. Yesterday I went way overboard at breakfast, lots of waffles and stuff. So didn't eat the rest of the day much. I try to celebrate the little things
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    Do you really want to lose weight? I have blips like the last three days including two trips to McDonalds and constantly eating at home. The only way to do it is to remove the temptation for a while. Had a couple of weekends where there are no 'treats' in the house and all was well. A nice hot weekend and we go shopping and I have eaten three ice lollys and my son an entire 500g tub of Ben & Jerrys. I have had my A-ha moment so I went walking to burn up at least some of the calories, my son sat on his fat butt. If you want to lose weight you will find a way.