Add me, I'm fat and lonely

Give me motivation to not be a whale anymore! I'm from the UK, let's make friends


  • Mrjd40
    Mrjd40 Posts: 57 Member
    Add away
  • takeitOneday1wk
    takeitOneday1wk Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there well it's good to say what you feel but maybe you shouldn't be so harsh on yourself we all fall sometimes
  • runnerjazz1594
    runnerjazz1594 Posts: 18 Member
    Add me I'm new too and need the motivation, I'm a cereal dieter but am doing tough mudder this year so need to get fit for that x
  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Chloe...Welcome to MFP and I agree with Ironandwine69 that you should stop referring to yourself as "fat" or a "whale". Although extra weight doesn't make us feel good, we have to love ourselves from within and know that you CAN do this and it is more fun with friends. I'll send a friend request, I'd love to walk this fitness journeyn with you :)
  • Fiqahana
    Fiqahana Posts: 93 Member
    Hi there, I'm Hana. I'm 21 years old. I joined MFP on 2013 but I guess never really stuck with it. So currently, I'm on an almost 4 months semester break from university so figured I better focus on myself, just losing weight and getting healthy. I was at my heaviest by the end of February 2017 where I weighed almost 125kg. I currently weight 117kg and is working hard to at least be 110kg by the end of June and my main goal for my semester break is to be 90kg or at least below 100kg by the end of August.

    I was diagnosed with GERD at the end of February 2017 and was hospitalized for 4 days because of it. It felt terrible as I felt like it was hard to breath, it's like a sensation of a lump in the throat. At the hospital I kept on throwing up the food I ate, I couldn't even sleep, I was crying most of the time because my GERD was really bad, I had to be on Xanax for a few days just so I could get some rest. It has been almost 3 months of me dealing with GERD and I have on medication yet I still have the symptoms, although it is now better as I do not throw up anymore and I am able to sleep. I am going to make an appointment for an endoscopy very soon just to be clear on what is the cause of my GERD and hopefully after that I will be able to get suitable medications that will make me recover 100%. One of my doctors did say losing weight my just be the cure for my GERD and after doing some research, I did find that what he said is true and most people who have GERD does feel better after losing weight. So, I hope when I do lose weight, I'll be so much healthier and happier as well and my GERD will be gone completely, forever.

    So basically, I am determined to lose all this weight and be completely healthy again. I am going to take control of my life, this is it. Here's to a better life, a better me. If you have GERD or maybe you just wanna be friends, add me as a friend. I'd love to have people to encourage me get on the right track and it will be my honour to encourage my fellow friends to stay motivated as well. Have a nice day everyone! Thank you for reading, I appreciate it! :smiley:

    p/s : You're no whale, more like a beauty to me :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Lol, I think she lives in Wales, not she's a "whale". Welcome! Loneliness happens because you're LOOKING for companionship and possibly comparing yourself to others. There's someone out there for everyone, and for all you know they may be right under your nose.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • fattylivis
    fattylivis Posts: 82 Member
    Learn to love yourself!! We all have something good to offer to others. Your future is in YOUR hands!! Believe in yourself and surprise yourself. Feel free to Add me