Finally found my motiviation

purplegirl7 Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All,

I joined last month after a friend recommended this site. I was off to a great start for about a week, and then I just stopped. I don't know why I couldn't stay motivated.

During the 4th of July weekend my family and I went to Six Flags. I was so excited to go because I LOVE ROLLERCOASTERS!! So, we got in line for the first one, and my heart was pounding with excitement. Then it was our turn. I went to sit down, and literally had to squeeze myself in. Then the ride attendant had to come by and push my harness down tighter, which was really uncomfortable, before we could take off. Second ride, same thing. Except this time my heart was pounding with fear that I would be asked to get off because I was too big. Third ride, I couldn't fit. I COULD NOT FIT. Total embarassment, humiliation and disgust for myself. My husband tried to console me, and I tried to act like it didn't bother me. But inside I was screaming - How did this happen? How did you let yourself go this far? What are you going to do about it?

It's time for me to get serious about my weight loss. I finally found my motivation - rollercoasters.


  • kreece15
    kreece15 Posts: 3 Member
    good luck!
    you will do great :happy:
  • autumn130
    autumn130 Posts: 48
    This has touched home. I want to go to SIX FLAGS so badly but I am afraid my big butt wont fit anymore. The last time we went I was smaller then I am now and I was on the verge of being too big.
    Thanks for the story. This will help motivate me as well.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Hooray! For you rollercoasters and for me it's a fear that I won't fit in the constantly shrinking airplane seats! Good luck!
  • mandikaye
    mandikaye Posts: 72 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. The last time I went to a theme park, I was worried all day (to the point of annoying my cousin who was with me) that I wouldn't fit on the next ride. I came very close several times - needed help to get buckles buckled and harnesses closed - but I did fit. It was a terrible feeling.

    Next time either you or I go - we'll fit!!!
  • RMX82
    RMX82 Posts: 172
    I had a similar experience a few years ago. I haven't been on a rollercoaster since. That is one of the first things I want to do when I drop my weight. I have seen heavier people get on them but I have pretty broad shoulders and a big gut so it wasn't easy to squeeze in. I'll be hitting up Six Flags New England as soon as I think I can fit!
  • Hi Purplegirl7,

    I completely understand. I found myself in the same predicament last week. We were at Fiesta Texas in San Antonio, and I had a hard time fitting in some of the rides. After that I was really conscious of what I looked like compared to everyone else. I try not to do that, but it's hard sometimes. My motivation was when we got stuck on a ride for several minutes, and I could see my BIG thighs flattened down in the seat. Of course, sitting next to me was a slender person. I wanted to cry. But I picked my head up and knew that I had to do something about it. And here I am.
    Best of Luck to you and your goals, Valerie
  • peggy1952
    peggy1952 Posts: 46
    I don't like to ride them anymore because I feel like the overhead restrait doesn't come down enough over my chest.
    So I know what you mean. Just use it for motivation, as you said, and know that next time you will be comfortable getting on that ride.
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