What do you all think is the best way to lose weight?



  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Eat balanced, eat within calories, water water water, sleep enough, exercise 4-6 days a week (hard work). It's been that easy for me. No pills, no potions, no carb cutting...just the old fashion way. 2-3 lbs a week lost. 80lbs gone.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    The best way is whatever you can stick with.

    I personally increase activity and restrict calories to create a calorie deficit.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,620 Member
    Eat less, move more.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    amartinkat wrote: »
    The most effective ways? What do you all do

    eat less - move more. Of course that's hard to stick to some days more than others.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    For me the best way is to count calories. Eat less than I burn. I also really like my fitbit. Walking more and getting more steps really does make a big difference as far as calories burned.
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    edited May 2017
    So, giving you more than the basics. You need to consider several things: Discipline, lower calories, more nutrients, understanding your body, and creating goals that will help improve overall health and not just weight.

    Step one: -Jonas

    So much no.
    I was thinking the same thing. For every bit of reasonable advice there seemed to be 2 things that were woo-woo.
    All the "affirmation" and "pain" stuff is usually based around excuses and rationalization for behaviors.
    If it is more than that due to trauma or something then start sessions with a mental health professional to work on your wellness.

    I agree that *discipline* is key, no way around that.
    "Motivation" is useless in the long-term.

    My advice? If you want to keep the weight off make sure you are weight training so you build some muscle.
    That and of course eat at a calorie deficit.

    Disclosure: My brother and I were both put in Foster Care due to neglect & abuse -including not being fed at all- and I still think this is mostly new-age, touchy-feely woo-woo.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    The best way to lose for me is to avoid refined carbs, and sugars. Those foods tend to play havoc with my energy levels and I tend to eat when I feel low energy and hungry. Without those foods I have a lower appetite and steadier energy - I am healthier-so it is easier to eat less.

    Weight loss does come down to a calorie deficit, but without changing my diet I am unable to maintain a deficit for more than a few days or a couple of weeks.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Eat less, move more, get into the habit of weighing and measuring your food & beverages, track and log them to make sure you're having the appropriate portion size. It helps to eat nutritious foods... by that I mean foods that are high in nutrition and low in calories. There's no "bad foods" but if you're trying to lose weight you might fill up more on an apple than a candy bar :smile: Oh... and LIFT WEIGHTS! :wink:
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Eat nutrient-dense but make room for treats. Barring a medical reason, there's no need to cut entire foods out of your diet, but most of us have our foods where, if they're around us, we'll eat them, and not in moderation. The thing is, I sort of know where my trouble spots are. One of the biggies is leftovers. As in, I have no problem measuring out my portions for a meal and feeling full. The trouble comes a couple of hours later, when I think about the half-pan of brownies in the fridge. So, at this point, I've got:
    • Foods I eat whenever I feel like having them that day (tasty, filling, but relatively easy for me to stick to a portion).
    • Foods that I eat, but need to take more care with, fresh bread, crackers, or homemade sorbet. It's not that I have a problem sticking to a reasonable portion, but more that I 'know' the bread won't be as filling for me as rice or a baked potato. So, 'on the understanding that I will probably be hungry later, do I have enough calories left over to swing this? Or should I make another choice?' And I don't "need" sorbet, but sometimes I want it. And that's okay. It just means I might choose not to have bread on the same day.
    • Foods I'm not safe around, because of that 'snacking on leftovers' thing. I don't keep them in the house—or if I do, I buy a small portion. Like jelly beans. That being said? If I'm in a social setting, where I suspect these foods will be present, I may check out calories beforehand and indulge. But that's because at this point, after more than 6 months on MFP, I think I'm comfortable enough in my eating to stick to a small portion initially. My 'downfall' comes after supper, at home, when I'm thinking about what to have for a snack... and I remember the leftovers. The ounce of potato chips I have with lunch isn't an issue. The larger bag they came out of—which is now open and sitting on the counter—is. And there are foods I don't buy anymore, because I'm the only one in the house who eats them, I don't like wasting food, and I know I won't moderated them. A local takeout place makes a chipotle vegetable dip. Mayo-based. I could go through a 250-ml container in a day, dunking cherry tomatoes and cucumber spears in it, spreading it on bread or in a wrap... I love the dip, but I can't have it around. But if I'm at someone's house and they serve it? I'll spoon a little on my plate and enjoy.

    I keep low-cal snacks on hand: measured portions of dry cereal, Skinny Pop popcorn, string cheese, and veggie dogs, mostly.

    And I exercise.
  • menotyou56
    menotyou56 Posts: 178 Member
    amartinkat wrote: »
    The most effective ways? What do you all do

    For me personally, the answer is Keto. I'm down 46 pounds this morning since starting keto on Jan. 8 this year.
    Every other diet left me starving 24/7 after a few days and lead to failure shortly after.

    Pounds are just falling off me. My next goal is in sight now. BMI going from obese to over weight and then hitting one-der-land for the first time since 1989 or so.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,841 Member
    The reason people don't ever hit goals or stay in the healthy lifestyle is the try to do too much, do things that they don't like, or give up everything that makes life fun. So do things that are both repeatable and sustainable for the rest of your life, or at least with the understanding they need to ultimately fit into a new lifestyle and mindset.

    Eat at the right calorie levels and find exercise and activities that you enjoy and will do.
  • Ella_1997
    Ella_1997 Posts: 11 Member
    Healthy eating and exercise.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    While the over arching premise is to burn more calories than one takes in. The different ways of doing this are about as numerous as there are people. What might be best for one person would be a total failure for another to attempt.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    So, giving you more than the basics. You need to consider several things: Discipline, lower calories, more nutrients, understanding your body, and creating goals that will help improve overall health and not just weight.

    Step one: Decide to understand why you gained weight in the first place; understand what it was and what it is that haunts you.

    Step two: Let that pain go.

    Step Three: Find a way to improve your good habits and decrease your bad habits. I use (habitica.com) which is a nerdy site, but it works. They're apps similar that are less nerdy.

    Step Four: Leave affirmations around the house where you can see them. My favorite place is on the fridge or near it.

    Step Five: Read the affirmations ever day.

    Step Six: It's not EAT LESS, It's eat lower calories. Don't starve yourself, this will just put your body into starvation mode, and sure you'll lose weight for awhile, but once you start eating properly again you will gain the weight back. You need to take whatever you daily calorie intake is (at a caloric def) and whatever exercise you do and make sure you eat that. For example my calorie def is 1800 calories based on my lifestyle, weight, height, gender(hormones), etc. I exercise like 5 days a week, sometimes six. It takes time to find what works for you. Depending on how much you weight I recommend walking, outside (because vit. D), until you get down to a weight where you can start doing HIIT or Calisthenics. Then once you get to an even lower weight don't discount weight training (seriously, if you don't put on muscle your loose skin can be way worse, and you will still be "fat" just skinny fat, as in High BF%. Your body needs muscles in order to protect your organs and bones, and help with range of motion.

    Whatever exercise you do, make sure you calculate the calories burned - and since you're already eating at a Caloric Def, eat those calories back. So I eat like 1800-2800 calories depending on the work outs I do. (that's daily intake). Weight loss comes down to basically calories in versus calories out. But that is just the simple formula. If you are just beginning - understanding this information can be difficult.

    Now whether you count MACROS or Calories is up to you. I count both. This is where I come in saying eat less calories but more foods, so lower calorie foods. It is absolutely important that you never allow your body to be hungry, and it is important to understand the difference between hunger and cravings. It may also help you to get on a eating plan. My Significant other and I meal prep on Sundays. We prep lunches for the week because that is our busiest time of day (we work from home). This helps because instead of microwave meals we have home cooked and healthy meals but we also don't have to cook them - we just microwave them, so they are like microwave meals but way better. We also take turns in snack making, and dinner making.

    Step Seven: understanding what works for you, and understanding all advice is based on experience of the individual. This means High carb may work for you, even though for me it doesn't. Veganism may work for you, but for me it doesn't. I eat high fat/protein diet because I have a carb allergy. If you are pre-diabetic you may want to cut on your carbs anyway because the sugars in carbs can mess up your insulin levels.

    Step Eight: Listen to your body, if you're in pain during a work out take a five-minute break. If you are full, stop eating (no matter how much food is on your plate still).

    Step Nine: The contradiction - Tell your body no! You don't need sweets, you don't need soda pop, you don't need sweet tea, you don't need fast food. You have to understand again, there is a difference between hunger and cravings.

    Step Ten: Drink more water, and start drinking Green Tea (I brew mine at home - cold brew style, and add half a tsp of sugar or honey in). Green Tea with caffeine is preference, but you can use decaf if you have any issues with caffeine. Green tea is hydrating, and great for your metabolism. Water makes up a large portion of your body and you really need it to survive, put a little lemon in it if it's hard for you to drink - then slowly use less lemon as time goes by until you're drinking regular water. I also recommend High Vitamin MIO - they have a bunch of flavors that come chalk full of B12 and other B vitamins, things your body really needs.

    Bonus stuff:

    Get a fitbit or something similar, My sig. other and I are ordering Garmen.(I think that's the name.) It is important to not only track your activity and sleep patterns, but super important to track your heart rate at all times. Being over 180BPM when you are severely overweight can really help you get into that calorie burn sweet spot. However, that BPM number changes per individual and I recommend you see your Primary care physician if you have one or can afford it, and have them track your blood pressure, insulin levels, hormone levels, and let you know where your heart rate should be.

    I have a very active lifestyle, but was on bedrest for over 6 months for my disability (put on 60+lbs) and my normal blood pressure is 72/65 and I used to really enjoy the look on doctor's faces when they asked if I worked out regularly. It's a pleasant feeling. But this has gone up a bit since. I am a certified Medical Assistant with a Healthcare Science degree and I used to work in a health and wellness rehab center for people with obesity and other back related issues. We also had a pain management center and chiropractor. Due to my disability I just can't handle the long days on my feet anymore and had to retire from my career (I'm only 27, so i was pretty bummed.) I am a freelance designer now, which I enjoy just as well, income just isn't as good - but I do have a lot more free time to work on my own body, which is nice (by free time I mean I make time.)

    Vitamins I recommend taking:

    B-Complex w/ Inositol
    Vit. D

    I also recommend using a multi vitamin and the b-complex w/ inositol only if you can. I have a shellfish allergy and havent found a multivitamin without shellfish in it yet.

    Here is what a basic grocery list I made looks like:

    Grocery List (Non-vegan/vegetarian)
     Chicken breast
     Tuna
     Cod
     90% lean beef
     Turkey (lean ground or tenderloin)  Salmon
     Tilapia
     Chicken or turkey sausage
     Eggs
     Steak/strip steak
     Lamb
     Greek yogurt
     Whole fat yogurt
     Peanut butter
     Cottage cheese
     Cheeses
     Legumes (black beans, pinto beans, lentils)  Protein powders
    Complex Carbs & Fibers:
     Apples
     Oranges
     Bananas
     Mangos
     Papaya
     Whole grains  Oats
     Sweet potatoes
     Whole wheat pasta
     Vegetable pasta
     Whole wheat pancake mix  Oatmeal pancake mix

     Bran cereal
     Cream of wheat
     Grits
     Corn flakes
     Spinach (also a veggie)
     Kidney beans (also a protein)  Chick peas (also a protein)
     Seeds
     Brown rice
     Lentils (also a protein)
     Barley
     Quinoa (Keen-Wah)
    Fats & Cholesterols:
     Milk
     Mayonnaise
     Coconut oil
     Olive oil
     Whole milk cheese
     Egg yolks
     Avocado
     Unsalted butter (100% butter not margarine)  Cream (heavy whipping cream)
     Nuts
     Kale
     Spinach
     Collards
     Bok choy
     Broccoli
     Mustard greens

     Pumpkin
     Zucchini
     Squash
     Soy beans
     Snap peas
     Lemon
     Bell peppers
     Brussels sprouts  Cauliflower
     Cabbage (green and purple)  Carrots
     String beans
     Ginger root
     Cucumber
     Tomato (technically a fruit)
     Banana
     Tomato
     Blueberries (frozen is fine)
     Mango (frozen is fine)
     Pineapple (frozen is fine)
     Coconut (coconut water is fine)  Strawberries (frozen is fine)
     Peaches (frozen is fine)
     Clove
     Cilantro
     Cayenne
     Thyme
     Basil
     Rosemary
     Peppermint  Cinnamon

     Turmeric
     Chili powder
     Paprika
     Salt
     Ground black pepper
     Minced garlic or whole garlic  Onions
     Lemon pepper
     Oregano
     Jalapenos
     Siracha sauce
     Coffee
     Herbal teas
     Water (and lots of it)
     Coconut water
     Soy milk
     Almond milk
     Coconut milk
     Milk
     Orange juice or Apple juice (this is for smoothies)
    Sugars should be used as sugar in the raw or stevia. If you need sugar for coffee or tea you should limit yourself to 1 teaspoon per drink and calculate those sugars in your calories for the day.

    Remember Abs start in the kitchen. And this is just a basic grocery list. I also have a break down list of what foods have what vitamins and minerals and what you need regularly, if you'd like just message me.

    Don't buy into companies that sell you prepackaged meals, don't buy into slimfast or other meal replacement shakes - make your own, that way you have more control.

    I do this on 50$ a week for two people (25$ each a week). So this is all available on a diet.

    Just keep going, and remember why you started.


    OK, no, and maybe.

    We aren't all victims of traumatic childhoods, rape and kidnapping. Some of us just eat too much. To lose weight and keep it off, we just have to eat appropriately.

    I'm really, really sure that people understand "eat less" as "eat fewer calories". One of the reasons I struggled with weight, was repeatedly being told what to eat and trying to eat "diet food". A shift to being totally in charge of my meals and eating real, tasty food, was the gamechanger I needed. Instead of a long list of foods to eat and supplements to take, we could just presume that people aren't stupid, and say "eat a variety of whole, real foods and cook at home whenever possible".

    The same goes for being told to exercise. I can't say I hate exercise, but I prefer to just move and play and work.

    Starvation mode does not exist! Now repeat, everybody: Starvation mode does not exist!

    It's very smart to not eat so little that you cave and binge.

    Hunger is fine. It's not the same as starvation.

    I really liked the point about listening to your body, but also saying no sometimes. This is important. Lots of people confuse being kind with always saying yes. That has gotten us into a lot of trouble.

    Just agreeing with this. Although I think it is well meant, if I were still trying to lose weight and read all that and saw a huge list of do's and don'ts, I would have once again been overwhelmed and probably would have given up before I even started. I was able to lose weight simply because I finally realized how uncomplicated it was. I eat whatever I feel like these days, just not in the same amounts.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    I firmly believe the most effective way is highly personal. The more comfortable you are, the less it feels like restriction and work, the more likely you are to succeed and maintain that success. Find your comfort zone.

    What worked for me: Eating considerably less during the week than on the weekends. We like to party on the weekends. Nearly every weekend we attend or host a gathering of friends that includes food and drink. I would not have been happy giving that up, or even severely curtailing my intake during. So, I kept a fairly significant deficit during the week to offset it. I have continued to do this while in maintenance (over a year now). It feels comfortable and sustainable to me.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    amartinkat wrote: »
    The most effective ways? What do you all do

    Eat less, move more and put tools in place to help you stick to it. Those tools vary person to person. It may mean being accountable to a friend and sharing your diary. Or using online apps like Fitbit challenges. Or visual clues, such as having a favorite outfit that you can't quite fit into NOW hanging on your door as a frequent reminder of what you're working toward. Or a picture of you at your heaviest on the refrigerator. There are also reward incentives, such as setting a schedule where you'll treat yourself to things you want/like to do every 10 pounds lost.
  • DawnOfTheDead_Lift
    DawnOfTheDead_Lift Posts: 753 Member
    Consistently maintain a calorie deficit over a sustained time period.