Boxing..,I found my thing

SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
edited May 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
So the past few months I've been taking a women's boxing class and loving it. It isn't "cardio boxing" but an actual form and technique class with a good share of conditioning work too. I haven't had something get me this fired up about fitness in a long time. I only went the first time because my former trainer who owns my gym kept bringing it up. I'm so glad I gave it a shot. I found my thing.

I wrote this post so that hopefully some of you could also share. What is your "thing" that made you love and want to pursue fitness. How and why did you start?

I know a lot of people visit this forum who are just starting their fitness journey and looking for their thing so maybe this can be a helpful post for them


  • yoherbs421
    yoherbs421 Posts: 160 Member
    Yea boxing is a hell of a workout, plus you hone your skill of pugilism! Good job finding it!

    What I wanted to get out of fitness is a firm body with visible abdominal muscle. Abs! I used to lift weights and had a decent body then. I had to get an appendectomy and that put a halt to my progress. Then i got trapped in a life of partying lol. I just finished college. I had no time to lift with my studies and being a single dad. Now that im past that i have time and energy for the gym! I told myself I wanted that same body i had last time I lifted. Summer is coming and i thought it would be good to get the beach body going. Im actually almost there! Beach weather comes in over a month I'm there!
  • MyFreakingNameIsScott
    MyFreakingNameIsScott Posts: 199 Member
    Used to do the treadmill, it killed my knees. Even now when I do my warm down walk on it, I can't go over 3 miles without issues. I've been working a heavy bag for just over a year now and a double-end bag just under a year. I absolutely love it. Learned how to use the heavy bag when I was a little kid but literally hadn't touched one in over 30 years when I found it again.

    About to head to the basement to work it out right now. ;)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Powerlifting for me! My son's a boxer, though, and he loves it, too. I never have to nag or cajole to get him to go to practice.
  • smal48
    smal48 Posts: 102 Member
    Boxing for me too! I do a weekly boxing for fitness class after the trainer put a flyer thorough my door - like your class it's more boxing than "boxercise", and I love it. The other participants are all guys at the moment which intimidated me when I first went, but it's actually really satisfying being able to hit them hard!
    Getting into this class inspired me to get fit in other ways - I've just finished C25K and I'm liking running for the first time in my life too!
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Nice! While I haven't done boxing I do love kickboxing. I wish there was a place close to me that offered it with more convenient hours. Working graveyard shift kills a lot of fitness "class" style options. I would also really like to check out kung fu when I get closer to my goal weight.
    My fitness thing right now though is weightlifting. I love dem weights!
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Swimming. I started swimming after a LONG time away from the pool.

    That ignited me and now I am starting to lift and do some cardio on my non-swimming days.