Leslie Sansone's Miracle Miles w/ Band

Hello everyone. I was just wondering if anyone on here has used the newest set from Leslie Sansone and what you results have been.


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    No experience with this particular set, but Leslie Sansone is great for cardio. Any exercise you will do consistently is a good thing. You are increasing your fitness level. Miles with "boosters" burn just a little bit more than miles without: http://walkathome.com/calorie-burn-per-mile/

    Weight loss is at least 80% diet. If you aren't watching your intake, you likely aren't losing.

    Here's a link to the Leslie group.....lots of discussion and monthly walk challenges:
  • Mblumcma
    Mblumcma Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much. I have done her other videos as well as watch my caloric intake. I lost 20 pounds and want to lose 25 more.