Question: How much weight do you want to lose?



  • WilliamAndersonLMHC
    WilliamAndersonLMHC Posts: 117 Member
    Now? 3-5. I lost 30+ and have kept it off. There was some scale creep whilst going through menopause.

    That said, I don't think you can judge MFP USERS by the comments on the forums. There are probably hundreds of thousands of folks (or more...) using MFP who don't post here. We're the minority, I'd bet.

    Edited to add: wow that's some book you're advertising.

    I think you are right about the populations. Thanks for the compliment on my book. It's my life's work. Where did you see an ad?

  • WilliamAndersonLMHC
    WilliamAndersonLMHC Posts: 117 Member
    60 pounds to lose. Did lose 32 on here year ago put most of it back on when I quit smoking so starting over.

    Why is this important? Is it affecting your clients in some way?

    It's only important because I'm curious and like to know things I don't know yet. I know some of my clients have used myfitnesspal to track calories rather than a written log. When I was Googling for "weight loss support groups" to refer them to, this site appeared with a few others. I'm checking them out.
  • WilliamAndersonLMHC
    WilliamAndersonLMHC Posts: 117 Member
    This isn't a support group. It's a calorie counting site with a forum.

    It's very supportive.

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    This isn't a support group. It's a calorie counting site with a forum.

    It's very supportive.

  • hproscia
    hproscia Posts: 8 Member
    I want to loss 75 and actually keep it off! I lost 30lbs last year between March and November. I felt great! Then I started a new job where everyday there is food in the office. I gained back 20 of the 30 since November!
  • WilliamAndersonLMHC
    WilliamAndersonLMHC Posts: 117 Member
    edited May 2017
    @hproscia - Sounds familiar! I actually quit a job because it was such a pain with all the food addicts' insistence on having the place be a smorgasbord all the time. It was ironic, because it was a mental health clinic that was treating addicts!

    Have no fear! You can win again.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    hproscia wrote: »
    It's only important because I'm curious and like to know things I don't know yet. I know some of my clients have used myfitnesspal to track calories rather than a written log. When I was Googling for "weight loss support groups" to refer them to, this site appeared with a few others. I'm checking them out.

    I was wondering if you were trying to scope us out for a marketing effort.

    I am sure MFP is quite varied.
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    I want to lose 15-20 pounds. I'm already at a healthy weight, but want to get to the other side of the bmi health range (a bmi of +/- 19). After that I want to maintain and create a nice set of long muscles. I used to have that weight before, but let myself slip up the past year.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    10lbs ish. had about 40 to lose. will probably add back with muscle..I hope.
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    edited May 2017
    From my current weight, 5 to 8 lbs. I'm already 13-15 lbs down.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    13 more lbs
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    edited May 2017
    I have lost 42 out of 120 pounds.

    Starting weight 281, current weight 239, goal weight 161.

    EDIT: And for the record, you may or may not be consciously advertising yourself, but to citizens of the internet, your sudden activity and constant mentioning of your website, book, and business smacks of clumsy marketing.

    I would recommend carefully considering your goals in participating in this community. If you're truly trying to educate yourself, great! Do it with less self-promotion. If you're marketing, just buy a dang ad.

    EDIT AGAIN: Really, your username (real name and professional credential) and profile pic (obvious business headshot) aren't helping matters. It's reading as stiff and culturally tone-deaf. To me, anyway. And I bet plenty of people are responding negatively to those things without actually being aware of it.

    I'm sure not everyone is as offended as you are regarding his "headshot" and username. And what is so stiff and culturally tone deaf? There are many people on here who are professionals that list their credentials on their profile. If you don't like the reason for his question, fine, but don't be so sensitive.
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    Not sure I've ever been called sensitive before. I think I like it!

    I'm not offended, and I doubt many folks are. Marketing efforts are a dime a dozen; it's hardly anything to get worked up over. But I did pick up on several cues that his participation may be more calculated than sincere. So have multiple other people, but he seemed to either actually not understand the hints they were dropping, or to bat them away without addressing them. I decided that in this case, being frank and specific might be in order. If he's the real deal, he might appreciate the honesty and feedback.

    If not, at least I stopped beating around the bush.

    My point really...we have all seen the idiots that come on here with posts that say "Send me your stats and I'll set up your macros for FREE!" People either laugh at them or don't answer.
    This guy's initial question seemed harmless enough that a decent amount of people answered without a problem. And if anyone felt he had nefarious's easy enough to just not reply.
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    20 lb total, I'm down 17.

    I don't think there's a typical amount for a MFP user (and honestly, forum users are very small sample size of the app users). Some people are here for the last few vanity pounds. Some have over 100 lb to lose. Some people want to push the limits of how little they can weigh. Some want to scrape over to a BMI of 24.9 precisely. Some people are fitness goal focused. It's just a food tracker, and it is popular because it has an easy user interface and huge database (with many flaws, sigh, but you can find nearly anything in it).