Struggle Street, looking for motivation lane

Hey guys,
I am struggling so bad to find my motivation, I've barely been to the gym in weeks, and logging food is something I need to start again, but the motivation, I am finding it so hard.
Now I know that when I am doing it properly, it works. I have had huge success in the past. I just struggle so bad to get back into it. My anxiety is out of control lately and I know exercise and eating right helps.
I would love some new friends on here to help keep me motivated and on track. Today is a new day and I will find the energy and motivation.


  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Get your tail back to the gym and start logging that food (said with love)!!!

    One week of all the right will make a difference and rebuild your confidence. Make yourself go! Work hard!

    Take a daily pic of yourself and your cardio machine. I look back at mine all the time and it makes my rear end get movin!

  • womanisadevil
    womanisadevil Posts: 52 Member
    I was skimming the post and SWEAR I thought I read SNUGGLE street and damn near feel off the couch! Bahahahahaha!!!

    Aniexty is worst for staying motivated.
    I have panic disorder and I tried the gym and it was a no go for me, so I saved enough to buy things every couple of months so I can exercise in my basement. I have an elliptical now, yoga mat, and 3&5lb weights. :smile:

    Depression also makes me want to food binge. I'm a big emotional eater.

    I've been drinking a lot of tea from davids tea to settle myself, hot beverages warm my soul. Especially if I want somethibg sweet. Birthday cake tea with hardly any calories is better than a jumbo chocolate bar!

    I've also just been trying to push exercise when I feel down on myself to, I procrastinate to do it but when I start I always feel better. Hard to concentrate on my aniexty when my music is on bust and I'm moving on resistance 10 on my elliptical! Lol!

    And if I do have a bad day, I'll just work harder the next day. Everyone can fall off the horse sometimes, even the best of us. But it's when you get back up that shows your real courage and strength.

    Good luck!!! :smiley:
  • womanisadevil
    womanisadevil Posts: 52 Member
    I have multiple spelling errors and poor grammer, my excuse is that it's almost 2:30am here and I should be sleeping. Sorry! :blush:
  • sarahann104
    sarahann104 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys :) Starting tomorrow I am going to start logging properly again. I've already done my meal plan for the week, mostly using what O already have, money is tight as my car needs work done next week. But I have a nice stock in the freezer :)
    I have so many excuses and that is just what they are. But it's so hard to get right back into, I love this app and the forums there is always so much support and great information.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    I lose my motivation to do things very very very quickly. It's an ephemere good and fickle to boot.

    So I work on creating new habits. I don't brush my teeth because I'm motivated. I brush my teeth because it's a habit. Something I do without really thinking about it.

    So take a look at where you want to be. What kind of lifestyle do you ideally want? Write it down on paper and then define what habits you need to get to that. Pick one habit and work in it until it sticks. Until you don't have to think about doing it but just do it.

    I went from being a lazy slob who couldn't be *kittened* to do her bed, to someone who can't stand a having a mess, logs her food daily and works out 5 days a week. I'm not yet fully where I want to be, but I'm getting there one small habit at a time. :smile: