PCOS and trying something new

Hi, I'm new to MFP. I have PolyCyctic Ovary Syndrome and I have about 25 extra lbs to get rid of. I was a weight watcher for 4 years and had to quit primarily because of the cost. I also left WW because, yes I can lose weight with it (I've lost 60lbs with WW so far) but it isn't the healthiest way. I would like to eat more natural foods. WW encourages a lot of instant and processed foods for weight loss. I would like to get away from that and eat healthier. PCOS is best treated with proper foods and exercise so I am going to try this. I am super excited and hoping this will work out for me. If there are any other newbies out there who need someone else to motivate them. I would love to hear from you.

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello and welcome, this is a great site. I was on ww for years, still trying to get away from thinking of foods as points lol I like this much better.
  • Shannonk507
    Shannonk507 Posts: 252 Member
    I have more than 25 to lose, but am also a PCOSer. Here's to weight loss!
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    not a newbie, but I battle PCOS too. I still have about 40 to lose.
  • MoonLiteDancer
    MoonLiteDancer Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a newbie. I also have PCOS (& hypothyroidism). I did WW 2 years ago & lost 40lbs. I then got pregnant with my twins & had to stop the program. The cost is to much for us now so I'm doing it on my own. I have at least 65lbs to go. Good luck! :)
  • bkduggins
    bkduggins Posts: 2
    I am also new. Just joined this week. I also have PCOS and need to loose over 100 pounds. I also have tried ww and after looking around this site and seriously thinking of getting rid of my online access to them. I haven't really been tracking anyway.

    Welcome and good luck!