Hi there

gordab07 Posts: 3 Member
I started using mfp 140 days ago.

In total I've lost 26lbs at my best point. I started at 205. Got myself down to 178.
I'm 5'10.5" so that was great.
Once Easter hit I slacked off for a few weeks and I'm back to 185.
Ive got my Personal Trainer course certification coming up soon. So I need to look much more in shape for then. My goal is 172 by the end of next month.
My biggest obstacle is that I tore my ACL in October so its been a fight to get the cardio exercise in. I found that heavy lifting and food control gave me better results than cardio ever did.

I'm a martial artist and a fitness enthusiast, soon to be trainer.

Mfp has done wonders for me.

Figured its time to post to the forums.

Brad Gorda