Carbs Cycling setup in MFP

nrahimunisa Posts: 6 Member
I am looking to start Carbs Cycling to loose weight. Has anyone tried this and have daily schedule for calories and macros, to feed in MyfitnessPal? I am getting confused to feed in data to MFP for 2 days High carbs and 5 days low carbs and to adjust the macros for each day. Any help is appreciated.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I carb cycle. I just remember my macros.
  • nrahimunisa
    nrahimunisa Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2017
    How did you get macros for carbs cycle? is there a good site which gives you the weekly plan?

    I am looking for weight loss. I am 138 pounds, and want to go to 128. I am 41 yr old female, 4 days workout for 45 mins, HIIT for cardio and High intensity strength training. I measure only 2-3 days a week and feed to mfp. Mostly got idea on quantity. I cheat 10-20%.

    Based on iifym, my bmr is 1277 and tdee is 1661. I am going to try carbs cycling for 2 days high carbs, and 5 days low carbs
    Mon and Sat : 1600 Calories (Carbs 50%, Fat 10%, Protein 40%)
    Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sun: 1350 Calories; C:20%; F:30%; P: 50%

    Once i get used to this, i will add one day No carbs.

    Does this look good? Any advise.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    How did you get macros for carbs cycle? is there a good site which gives you the weekly plan?

    I worked them out myself. I take total calories for a week and toggle them so some days are higher than others. I determine protein and fat grams for my goals then carbs make up whatever is left.
    I am looking for weight loss. I am 138 pounds, and want to go to 128. I am 41 yr old female, 4 days workout for 45 mins, HIIT for cardio and High intensity strength training. I measure only 2-3 days a week and feed to mfp. Mostly got idea on quantity. I cheat 10-20%.

    Weight loss is determined by calories. I'd focus more on accurate input - not measuring every day is not going to help you. I'm not sure what you mean by "cheating"? There are no good or bad foods.
    Based on iifym, my bmr is 1277 and tdee is 1661. I am going to try carbs cycling for 2 days high carbs, and 5 days low carbs
    Mon and Sat : 1600 Calories (Carbs 50%, Fat 10%, Protein 40%)
    Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sun: 1350 Calories; C:20%; F:30%; P: 50%

    I don't do percentages - I work out macros in grams. Protein and fat stay constant and carbs change to suit calorie goals for the day.
    Once i get used to this, i will add one day No carbs.

    Does this look good? Any advise.

    No carbs = protein and fat. Are you intending to eat just these and no vegies? Not necessary imo
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I use an 'offset meal' in order to track my carb cycling - and my diary is open if you want to look at it to see what I mean.

    I have my MFP macro goals set up to my high carb/calorie days.

    I added carbs and calories manually to a food entry that balances out to my low carb/calorie days, then used the 'quick tools' option to save this as a meal.

    On low days I add this 'rest day offset' meal from the meals tab, then key my other food as normal. On a high day I just key my food as normal.

    I usually add my offset amounts each weekend for the next week just because that's easy for me, but you could add them day by day as well.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    fyi...I used this site to calculate my goals...
  • nrahimunisa
    nrahimunisa Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks will look in to all your suggestion by the weekend.