Struggling with Depression... anyone else?

My thoughts are very dark today. I've struggled with depression on/off for several years now. This week has been.. difficult. Before you tell me to go to therapy, understand that I have an appointment with a counselor, but it isn't today.

I had a baby less than 6 months ago and I know that a lot of this is post partum/hormone related. I've taken several anti depressants in the past but none of them have helped without significant side effects (for example, Seroquel and Zofran made me vomit repeatedly and Effexor affected my memory so bad, I had to quit school because I couldn't retain ANY information.) I began exercising and eating right as a way to help my body and mind cope. I write frequently to help squash my anxiety, but lately these normal coping mechanisms just aren't working. I've been smoking more pot and drinking more wine. I don't want to be this person, but here I am.

I need help. I need some support. I need friends that know how I'm feeling and understand just how hard this is. I know it's up to me to change, but sometimes I just feel so stuck. I feel like I don't know what to do and if the darkness of depression would lift, the answer would be so obvious. I have a chronic pain condition (am on disability) that makes this so much more difficult. It's hard to be HAPPY when something is always hurting. I haven't been pain free in years and it's becoming very difficult to deal with that.


  • lollipop4401

    This video may help with your chronic pain. The young lady in the video had chronic pain, depression, and an anxiety disorder. I hope this helps. I have links to other videos if you would like more. I hope you find time to watch this short video. I am sorry you have been depressed. Good luck! :) (let me know if the link doesn't work for you)
  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    Believe you will get better. I struggled with depression for two decades. Once I started therapy, I did not get better right away, but over time, I got better. After a while in therapy, I started an anti-depressant and exercise. That helped tremendously. I was in therapy for two years and still see a doctor every six months. I had to accept that depression does not go away, but I can manage it.

    During therapy, I got frustrated because I expected everything to be fixed in a short period of time. It is not so simple. It takes time.

    I am better, I still have dark days but I know it will pass. I have more days in the light that in the dark. I read my Bible daily and it helps me to be hopeful. My relationship with God has been vital to my recovery.

    You are stronger that you think you are. Hold on, you were created to walk in the light, and so you will.