Zero Noodles- any good?



  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member
    They are the most repulsive thing I have ever eaten. And by eaten, I mean one forkful in my mouth, spat out into the garbage, and the rest of the pot to follow. I want to puke right now just Thinking about it. It's not even worth it.

    HA... that bad? :(
  • luckyyoung
    why don't i believe things like that? u eat, u gain. and food like this has no nutrition that benefit your body. if you wanna have something make you full and low calories, i strongly recommend BROCCOLI and CELERY, they are very good for you body and really with near to zero calories. u could eat them all day and still loose weight. I always consider fresh vegetables and fruits are the best.
  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member
    They are yucky pants! I tried them maybe a year or two ago, threw out a whole box of them, I couldn't get past the smell, and they have a weird texture. I never said, "yummy, I can't wait for my zero noodles when I get home". It was more like let me stuff this crap down my face. They do not take away the urge for reall pasta, in fact they increase the craving. Just leave them out and add more veggies to your meal. At least veggies have nutritional value and you are only adding max (well not including carrots those suckers have lots of calories in relation to let's say lettuce) 10 calories (that's like two cups of lettuce or something) to your diet. When you want pasta eat pasta (I have come to enjoy both wheat and brown rice pasta so has my husband, we don't know any better now)!

    Yeah I'm definitely not against pasta. I had wholemeal pasta salad tonight. I was just wanting to try something new. Luckily I only bought one sachet for £1.99!
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    But if they taste gross I don't really care.

    If you don't really care, why did you ask for "suggestions on the best way to give them flavour!" ?
  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member
    But if they taste gross I don't really care.

    If you don't really care, why did you ask for "suggestions on the best way to give them flavour!" ?

    Because I was hoping that someone who had tried them would say that they were enjoyable...I haven't tried them yet.

    Boo to your negative tone.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I agree with everyone on the rinse well and fry.

    I had them last night - I have found that I only like the macaroni ones :/ Texture is not as bad. I rinse and soak for at least half and hour (way more than you need I am sure). Then fry them for a bit with spray butter. A few minutes after they start jumping in the pan lol - I add my spices and more spray butter.

    I load them with sauce, lean ground beef or ground turkey, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers and onions. To be honest - I think it just becomes a visual that i am eating pasta because I load all the veggies on top. More toppings than the macaroni.

    What I like about them is I feel like I am eating pasta and I even have room for a slice of garlic bread....mmmmmm garlic bread :)
  • laurelboynton
    laurelboynton Posts: 104 Member
    I agree with everyone on the rinse well and fry.

    I had them last night - I have found that I only like the macaroni ones :/ Texture is not as bad. I rinse and soak for at least half and hour (way more than you need I am sure). Then fry them for a bit with spray butter. A few minutes after they start jumping in the pan lol - I add my spices and more spray butter.

    I load them with sauce, lean ground beef or ground turkey, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers and onions. To be honest - I think it just becomes a visual that i am eating pasta because I load all the veggies on top. More toppings than the macaroni.

    What I like about them is I feel like I am eating pasta and I even have room for a slice of garlic bread....mmmmmm garlic bread :)

    Thanks very much. I will make sure to load up the veggies too. Garlic bread is good!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I have to compare them to string like boogers, so nasty!
  • crisbabe81
    crisbabe81 Posts: 170
    They smell awful when you take them out so yes, rinse and repeat.. If you are a texture person, you probably won't like the texture. They are funky! I didn't hate them, but didn't love them.

    I'd say you'd be better off making zucchini noodles or spaghetti squash even.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Not sure why someone would want zero noodles. I know some people don't like carbs, but buying packages of no noodles seems strange.
  • crazycop1
    crazycop1 Posts: 1 Member
    They're made from a plant. I've used them before. The real name is Shirataki Noodles. They have zero taste and the texture is odd but they are zero calorie. You can buy them in big grocery stores in the whole foods or gluten free section for $3.00. Internet has them too. I use them in stir fry and have used them with spaghetti sauce.
  • Kayden1986
    Kayden1986 Posts: 189 Member
    i use them EVERY DAY. they are a good source of fibre, extremely good for soaking up flavours in sauces and I wouldn't be without them!! only down side is when you open them they have a strange smell but that's because its a plant root stored in water. Used them for 2 years (or the equivalent) and wont ever change, they help me with my weight control :)

    Fav meal is zero noodles. quorn pieces, vegetables and a stock cute with herbs. 150 cals, 20g protein.. love it. only downside is the salt
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    If they are anything like shirataki noodles I'll do you a favor and mail you a barf bag now. BLEH!
  • HefferSprint
    HefferSprint Posts: 124 Member
    I've been making stir fry for a while, or pasta fresca if I add tomato sauce.

    I'm finding more and more that I can use less meat and less noodles. I'm down now to no noodles and very little meat, if any.

    I tried those no cal noodles and they were horrible for me too. Would just add more veggies in its place.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Why bother...they have zero nutritional value.

    well, according to the website...
    Zero Noodles are made up of water along with a very special type of soluble fibre called Konjac Glucomannan. It is this fibre that makes Zero Noodles so crucial in the fight against obesity and many common health problems. It is believed that Konjac Glucomannan has the highest water holding capacity of any soluble fibre, swelling up to 100 times its own water weight. This bulking out in the stomach means that once digested, Zero Noodles make you feel full and satisfied whilst also slowing down digestion and preventing sugar spikes. It is these sugar spikes in our blood that leave us craving more and also encourages sugar to be stored as fat in the body... predominantly around the waistline.

    As well as helping us lose weight and helping to decrease appetite this means that Zero Noodles are also a great choice for people with type 2 Diabetes. Research has proven that the higher the viscosity of soluble fibre, the better the control of blood sugar levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes and it is thought that Konjac Glucomannan is the most viscous soluble fibre in nature… you do the maths!

    It is also understood that Konjac Glucomannan helps aid weight loss by actually binding to fat in the intestines preventing some of its absorption and research has also shown that Konjac Glucomannan can help to significantly lower Cholesterol levels.

    If that isn’t enough to convince you as to why we should all be adding Zero Noodles into our diet then let me give you a few more reasons… Due to the high soluble fibre content, Zero Noodles can help to improve those pesky symptoms of constipation that most of us struggle with at some point in out lives. Studies have also shown that this fibre can help reduce blood pressure whilst also giving anti ageing benefits.Zero Noodles are made up of water along with a very special type of soluble fibre called Konjac Glucomannan. It is this fibre that makes Zero Noodles so crucial in the fight against obesity and many common health problems. It is believed that Konjac Glucomannan has the highest water holding capacity of any soluble fibre, swelling up to 100 times its own water weight. This bulking out in the stomach means that once digested, Zero Noodles make you feel full and satisfied whilst also slowing down digestion and preventing sugar spikes. It is these sugar spikes in our blood that leave us craving more and also encourages sugar to be stored as fat in the body... predominantly around the waistline.

    As well as helping us lose weight and helping to decrease appetite this means that Zero Noodles are also a great choice for people with type 2 Diabetes. Research has proven that the higher the viscosity of soluble fibre, the better the control of blood sugar levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes and it is thought that Konjac Glucomannan is the most viscous soluble fibre in nature… you do the maths!

    It is also understood that Konjac Glucomannan helps aid weight loss by actually binding to fat in the intestines preventing some of its absorption and research has also shown that Konjac Glucomannan can help to significantly lower Cholesterol levels.

    If that isn’t enough to convince you as to why we should all be adding Zero Noodles into our diet then let me give you a few more reasons… Due to the high soluble fibre content, Zero Noodles can help to improve those pesky symptoms of constipation that most of us struggle with at some point in out lives. Studies have also shown that this fibre can help reduce blood pressure whilst also giving anti ageing benefits.

    But if they taste gross I don't really care. kicks *kitten*...(BTW, yes...I've tried these way back when before I realized what a calorie actually is and that I don't have to be afraid of them...and I'd rather eat cardboard also)

    I'm not trying to be "mean" here...I'm just all about nutrition...I don't view calories as "bad" or foods in general as "bad" or "good"...I look at their overall nutritional value. If there are zero calories, there is quite literally, pretty much zero nutritional value. I'm all about fueling my body and proper nutrition...this just doesn't fit the bill. If all you care about is calories then whatever....have fun eating cardboard noodles.
  • MissDeeDee78
    MissDeeDee78 Posts: 415 Member
    I am going to try these noodles despite most reviews :smile:
  • The_Angry_Fish_Guy
    The_Angry_Fish_Guy Posts: 40 Member

    Give me a plate of no shyt regular pasta with hella meat sauce please. BOOM.

    Lift like a Beast, Eat like a champion.
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Tessyloowhoo Posts: 504
    Make sure to dry them off really well before adding your sauce because they can water down any sauce you add to them!
    Also do not eat them the night before a weigh in because they take a while to pass through your body :drinker: lol since they are not broken down or absorbed
  • sarwatf
    sarwatf Posts: 60 Member
    Hope so because I've just bought a packet to try!...

    Any suggestions on the best way to eat them, what food they work well with etc..

    I have a feeling that I may as well just stick to wholemeal pasta.

    They are terrible, the best way to use them is throw them in the trash. Wholemeal pasta is meh in regards to taste, use regular pasta

    I agree zero noodles taste rubbish ( bit like eating wet cardboard if you ask me ) but i prefer wholemeal to normal pasta
  • cardinalsfootball
    cardinalsfootball Posts: 167 Member
    We love them and eat them weekly. They work well in asian stir fries as well as with red sauce for itallian night.

    Three things:

    1) Don't expect them to taste just like pasta. They don't. They are NOT as tasty. But they are near 0 calories, full of healthy fiber, and basically become a visual/textual/filling aspect of your meal. They are meant to be a PART of a meal.

    2) Rinse the heck of them. First pour out water. Then rinse in strainer twice with lots of running water. And if they still smell bad to you, let them soak 20 minutes in water then rinse again.

    3) They taste better if loaded with lots of meat/veggies. If itallian, add lots of mushrooms, onions, peppers, and sausage or meat if you like that and calories work. If asian, add lots of sauce and veggies and shrimp or something.
