Monthly weigh-in results..

Well, my weigh-in for this past month was ALMOST as successful as I was hoping. I started out at 303 last March (2016), lost 60 lbs last year, gained 40 back over a couple months. The beginning of this year, January 2017 I started a complete lifestyle change. Not a diet. A vegan lifestyle change. I started out at 280 this year and as of now I am at 203.. almost to onederland! Hopefully by June 6. I will admit, I was a little disappointed to not be there when I weighed in today. But I am learning to be kind to myself, because I know how hard I am working my butt off.


  • ValkyrieOnline
    ValkyrieOnline Posts: 160 Member
    Wow. That is truly amazing! Please be kind to yourself, from being almost 300lbs to almost in wONEderland is amazing!!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    That is awesome progress! The scale gets very stubborn between 200-205. It doesn't like to move, then all of a sudden you're at 198! Be patient and keep working your plan.
  • kaitlyngrooms1
    kaitlyngrooms1 Posts: 1 Member
    Do you find that weighing yourself monthly helps keep you motivated? I feel like when i weigh myself weekly and only see 2 pounds down i get discouraged and want to eat my feelings.
  • tayleranndavenport
    tayleranndavenport Posts: 8 Member
    Do you find that weighing yourself monthly helps keep you motivated? I feel like when i weigh myself weekly and only see 2 pounds down i get discouraged and want to eat my feelings.

    Absolutely!! I feel like it allows you to see less of that frustrating weight fluctuation that happens from week to week. I don't keep a scale in my house or else I become obsessive and discouraged. So I HIGHLY recommend monthly weigh-ins vs weekly.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    I started doing monthly weigh ins too and it's WAY better for me emotionally. I weigh mid- month on the scale at the gym just before 6am. That's about as consistent as I can get