Heavy chested women - jumping and running exercises


I'm currently only doing walking and pushups as my exercise routine, mainly because I'm just getting started and feel I need to build some muscle first and get my body used to exercising again. I've been looking into doing more exercises but am running into two issues:

1. I live in a poorly insulated apartment complex, and my downstairs neighbors can hear every move I make so to speak, even when I walk around barefoot. Jumping indoors is basically not an option unless I do it in my cramped bathroom or kitchen with tiled floors, neither of which are very suitable places for it.

2. I'm quite heavy in the chest and no matter what bra I wear, it hurts to do any sort of running or jumping, period. The only bras that hold everything together nicely either cost a fortune (I'm on a super tight budget for anything, and I don't really have any luxuries that I can trade in for this sort of stuff - my finances cover essentials and little else), or they're so tight and constricting that I can't breathe properly.

I do NOT want to go to a gym, besides the financial issue I feel the best when I'm completely on my own doing my own thing without being disturbed by others (which is what makes walks outdoors so wonderful!). No, it's not because I'm ashamed of myself, I prefer shopping at quiet hours and hate being around crowded areas and people in general. I don't have any private outdoor location to do exercises in either, which means I'm stuck.

I know this makes it difficult for people to answer and advice on, but maybe there are people who are in a similar situation and figured something out?


  • SergeantG
    SergeantG Posts: 92
    I would suggest a bike, however, if you are on a budget, that might be a problem (its also limiting if you live in a climate with a winter :smile: )

    Walking, of course, seems to be the most logical thing, however, I'm sure you have been doing that.

    There is yoga or pilates.

    What about a park? Do you live near one where you could go to and do some routines there?
  • mandylgibbs
    mandylgibbs Posts: 185 Member
    How about a balance ball and some resistance bands?
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Try wearing an under-wire bra with a sports bra over it, then a tank with the built in bra over all that. Usually it will keep breasts fairly well supported during activities. That is what I did until I could afford good bras. Alternatively, I've also used wide ace bandages wrapped around for extra support, though that takes some practice to get right.

    On top of walking you might also try some other body weight excercises. I started here:


    As for the neighbors hearing, as long as you are in normal times of the day when people wouldn't be expected to sleep, I wouldn't worry about it.

    Another thing you might look into is Convict Conditioning


    Or, You are your own gym

  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Double your bras, regular one with a sports one over it. I do body weight exercises in my house and run outside. No jumping or gyms involved. :)
  • Thanks for all the replies!

    I will try my underwire bra (the only one I have left, I usually cut out underwires once they start poking out and stabbing my sides) with my sports bra over it. :) I don't have a tank top with a built in bra, but I can look into getting one the next time I have clothes money set aside.

    I don't live near a park or anything like that which is safe (there's this huge field about 15 minutes walking distance, but it has regular traffic through it on the only existing road).

    I watched this video and it's what prompted me to want to try this at home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pc-NizMgg8

    I think I'm just going to do it and stick a note on my neighbors' door that tells them I'm working on getting exercise and there might be some jumping and such between 9am-10pm, just to give them a fair warning and letting them know they can come up and knock on my door if I'm disturbing something. I'm not on the best terms with them, but I'm also so against withholding from doing my own thing during normal hours I'm starting to care less and less the more I think about it!

    A bike is something I'm also saving up for. :) So that's in the future!

    Thank you so much for the suggestions and links! I'm looking into all of it to see how feasible of an idea it is to do/get with my financial and physical condition. This is a great motivational boost!
  • I would limit it to earlier than 10 p.m. That's slightly later than is usually polite.
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    I thought there were going to be videos. :sad: :tongue:
  • KatC_88
    KatC_88 Posts: 101 Member
    I would try walking! It will do wonders and you can work your way up to running. Try the Couch to 5K app, it awesome!

    I wore a regular bra with a sports bra forever until I could get a better one! May try that and see if it helps!

    Good luck!!!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Swimming is a fun and relaxing workout. Public pools are usually quiet between 4 & 7.
  • 9am-10pm are the common hours of acceptable daytime activities over here actually. They often have music up loud until 9:45pm and then towards 10pm they turn it down, so I don't think they'll have much to fuss over if they do decide to quibble. But, I don't plan on exercising that late! 8pm will be my latest most likely. :)
  • I thought there were going to be videos. :sad: :tongue:

    Sorry to disappoint! Haha.
    I would try walking! It will do wonders and you can work your way up to running. Try the Couch to 5K app, it awesome!

    I wore a regular bra with a sports bra forever until I could get a better one! May try that and see if it helps!

    Good luck!!!

    I'm already walking at least 30 minutes, 4 days a week. :) I had a big one of 60 minutes today where I walked to visit my parents and back home. But I want to be able to do exercises indoors when the weather is crappy too.

    And that's been suggested multiple times now so I'm DEFINITELY trying that out! Thanks!
    Swimming is a fun and relaxing workout. Public pools are usually quiet between 4 & 7.

    Swimming is my most beloved exercise ever, it trains every muscle in my body everywhere at once and I'm DYING to be able to do that! But it's expensive to spend a few hours a week at the pool here, and I just can't afford it right now. :(
  • Don't waste your time with a tank top, that won't help if you are a D or above. In a pinch, you can wrap an ace bandage around them and then wear two cheap sports bras. This works well while running and jumping. You really should save and invest in a good sports bra. Lulu Lemon makes one of the best for women with large chests (Called the Ta-ta tamer). It is $58 and I've owned the same one for 3 years. It's the only one that has worked for me. Good Luck.

  • Don't waste your time with a tank top, that won't help if you are a D or above. In a pinch, you can wrap an ace bandage around them and then wear two cheap sports bras. This works well while running and jumping. You really should save and invest in a good sports bra. Lulu Lemon makes one of the best for women with large chests (Called the Ta-ta tamer). It is $58 and I've owned the same one for 3 years. It's the only one that has worked for me. Good Luck.


    I looked at their EU store (I live in the Netherlands) and it costs €68 for me to buy one here, which is $90 and way above my budget for clothing. They also don't carry my size (I'm an E-cup, European size) as they only go up to a 40D (I'll need a 105E EU/46DD US size). Thanks for the link and comment though!
  • pixie_pix
    pixie_pix Posts: 157 Member
    Two tight bras are a good suggestion. I did that a lot. Now After I found a rwal good sports-bra (since you are in Europe the brand "anita" could ring a bell, I can recommend it to save some money for one of them. ) I have a 80G now and since you are an E-Cup they thould provide something for you too.
    To support the bra a bit more I usually wear one of those shaping tops you can get for little money in any departementstore. I buy mine between 8 and 12€ in C&A

    Regarding exercise: I started with brisk walking when I began my journey. I just walked around the streets in my neighborhood and it really worked miracles... Now I run 5k ( with my new sports bra on:wink: ) and it feels great.

    Why don't you jump in your appt while he neighbors play their music loud? If they disturb why can't you?
    Also there are a lot of programs for strengh exercises which do not require more than you and your, own body weight... Not so much jumping and no money to buy anything.

    Wish you best of luck and I am sure you will find a way.
  • spunkybunny
    spunkybunny Posts: 33 Member
    How about a balance ball and some resistance bands?

  • jodymcadam
    jodymcadam Posts: 24
    I'm a 40DD, and I broke down and bought the Enell sports bra. Nothing... I mean NOTHING moves, except whatever isn't tucked into that bra. They are pricey, but I've had mine for 3 years... and still going strong. A birthday coming up? - maybe hint that you've got the perfect gift in mind. Good luck.
  • AEMW8
    AEMW8 Posts: 94 Member
    I hear ya. Big boobs and running/jumping just don't mix well without proper support. I saved money to buy 2 sports bras from my regular store, Lane Bryant. If you can get them on sale, it's even better. Because I got mine off sale and they cost me almost $90 usd.

    Walking is always the best. You can add in some small weights like ankle/wrist weights or just 1 - 2 lbs dumbells for a little more 'umph'. If any of your neighbors have dogs, try to see if you can walk them for a little extra cash. It's also a good motivator to keep walking everyday.
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    Double your bras, regular one with a sports one over it. I do body weight exercises in my house and run outside. No jumping or gyms involved. :)
    ^^This! go on pintrest- there are a ton of bodywork exercise routines that are short and sweet, with limited jumping!

    I usually double my bras as well. I know one day I'll invest in a really nice sports bra, but if I have 2 of the cheap ones, why not double them up?
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    YMCA near you might have good drop-in rates at certain under-used times.

    The girls will float on top of the water effortlessly and not hurt your back anymore.

    My girls and i LOVE pool workouts - - and so do the daddies in my apt complex.......just sayin
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    few options here: do yoga, buy a video set or do videos off of youtube or other aerobics videos I say screw the neighbors don't do it early in the morning or late at night and if they don't complain keep going for it. or go to a park in a secluded place and do things.
    As for the bra, i think you really need to spend the money and just buy 1, idk what size you are but if you're a DD or smaller then i would 100% suggest the ta-ta tamer by lulu lemon, you can wear it as a normal bra too, and it's like $70 or something so i feel like the amount of use you'll get out of it is worth it especailly because they're really well made and i can wear mine a bunch of times without washing it (kinda gross but whatever I take a shower right after) and so that would be my sugestion find 1 good bra and buy it and wear it all the time.
    So I would say: find a place to swim, it's summer so maybe a public pool or beach or something that would be free, or find low impact workout videos that won't have as much jumping and stuff so maybe you could do it in your apartment.
    I think the very best thing for you to do even if you're on a really tight budget is start now and every month put just $5 or $10 away in a special savings thing for fitness and when you have enough try to find a really cheap stationary bike or like the treadclimber thing advertised on tv, something you can set up in your home.
    This is a change you're making for life, so saving up a little bit for that is worth it I think
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I use the gym so I am no help currently with the workouts (there are a ton of options I just don't konw what they are). As far as bras go. I have always worn two at a time (sometimes three), I even splurged on 2 Nike bras and still wear two (I probably don't need to but whatever). I also purchased my Nike bras in a size smaller than normal just to make sure they really hold it all in.
  • michybeans
    michybeans Posts: 106
    Not sure about what kind of exercise to suggest, besides what others have already written and you are already doing. But just wanted to chime in on the heavy-chested sports bra issue! It took me forever to find a good one and now I want to share it with the masses, lol.

    I know your finances may not permit it right now but for some time in the future when they do, get this one: Shock Absorber Level 4.


    I get mine off Ebay (just search for "Shock Absorber Level 4") for about $50 (with shipping to Canada). I have such issues as I am a 30GG (UK size) so there is nothing for me in typical North American stores. This one is so good. It's not exactly comfy, but hey, your workout will take your mind off that right? :) But it sure holds everything in and they literally do not move no matter if I am jumping up and down or whatever. It's the best!!

    Good luck with your fitness journey!
  • clairemarie1016
    clairemarie1016 Posts: 44 Member
    You could try buying two large water bottles (in the U.S. I would suggest 2 gallon size water jugs (about 8 lbs each) but I'm not sure what's available where you live) and use them as hand weights. You can do all sorts of squats, dead lifts, rows, shoulder presses with weights and there's no jumping involved. It will help you build muscle and boost your metabolism as a way to lose weight.