How do you push through when it all gets too hard?

Just posted this on my profile, but need some extra support so here goes....

Haven't been on the journey long (this time round) but it had been going pretty well.
Then over the last couple of weeks, work got crazy. I have a deadline on Wednesday and ALL my time and energy has gone into meeting that deadline. I have had very little free time, and even less energy to look after myself. It's been days since I cooked a healthy meal- my work HAS to come home with me more than ever at the moment, so my life has become a cycle of sleep, work, drive home, more work, sleep and repeat. It's exhausting.

My days have always been very full on even before this and I don't have a lot of free time anyway, even on the weekends I need to work. But I managed to stay on track- mostly- regardless. It's just worse at the moment, and I've found it even harder than usual to stay focussed, and find the time and energy to look after myself properly.

The last few times I felt like this on a weight loss journey, I just gave up. Really don't want to do that this time, but I feel like I'm already on the slippery slide :(

Any tips for pushing through times when life is crazy busy, stressful, and you're scraping the bottom of the energy barrel would be much appreciated!


  • arcornell09
    arcornell09 Posts: 41 Member
    Family, most definitely. I'm very lucky to have some people in my life that will listen to me, not just wait for their turn to talk. Because after all, we could all have the perfect body but the stress of life will still be there and fitting into my favourite pair of jeans won't change everything.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Just posted this on my profile, but need some extra support so here goes....

    Haven't been on the journey long (this time round) but it had been going pretty well.
    Then over the last couple of weeks, work got crazy. I have a deadline on Wednesday and ALL my time and energy has gone into meeting that deadline. I have had very little free time, and even less energy to look after myself. It's been days since I cooked a healthy meal- my work HAS to come home with me more than ever at the moment, so my life has become a cycle of sleep, work, drive home, more work, sleep and repeat. It's exhausting.

    My days have always been very full on even before this and I don't have a lot of free time anyway, even on the weekends I need to work. But I managed to stay on track- mostly- regardless. It's just worse at the moment, and I've found it even harder than usual to stay focussed, and find the time and energy to look after myself properly.

    The last few times I felt like this on a weight loss journey, I just gave up. Really don't want to do that this time, but I feel like I'm already on the slippery slide :(

    Any tips for pushing through times when life is crazy busy, stressful, and you're scraping the bottom of the energy barrel would be much appreciated!

    For the meticulous part - dieting - it helped to meal prep. Take an hour out of your weekend to cook some chicken and veggies and throw them in plastic containers. Stock up on yogurts, string cheese, raw veggies and fruits, maybe even some pre-cooked chicken (Perdue Short Cuts or Rotisserie style) and then you'll be set for the week and have one less thing to stress about.

    If you're struggling to get in the gym, I suggest pushing through. Put it on your to-do list. Prioritize it. Eventually this will turn into your relaxation or me time and you'll make an emphasis on getting to the gym. But even so, it's still hard for those bodybuilders and fitness freaks sometimes too. Motivation will come and go. You will always have to push yourself to go and make it a habit.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    Honestly. I hired a coach. I needed to spend my time focusing on my career and bettering myself and leave my diet and training up to someone else.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Any tips for pushing through times when life is crazy busy, stressful, and you're scraping the bottom of the energy barrel would be much appreciated!

    Just do your best. Sometimes we fall off the wagon, and it's hard to get back on, but through self love comes both foregiveness AND determination. Sometimes fitness goals have to take a back seat, just don't throw them away entirely.

    Also if you're having energy problems, really think about what you're eating. If you're not eating enough, or your meal frequency doesn't work for you, it will leave you feeling drained. Everyone is unique so you'll find what works for you over time.
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the replies! Really appreciate it.
    I'd love to hire a coach, although I don't think that will fit into my budget. I don't go to the gym as I have a daughter too- husband leaves for work at 6am and doesn't return until 7-8pm, and I myself don't get home from work until between 6-7pm myself after pickingy daughter up. When I get home I still have to do dinner and on many nights, work, so it leaves no time for the gym!
    It's a struggle to squeeze everything into the day, that's for sure!
  • FinallyBrooklyn
    FinallyBrooklyn Posts: 4 Member
    This is a tough time , for sure. Don't give up ! Do what you can to help yourself stay on track.
    Sounds like workouts are tricky now - at least try to take a few extra steps at work - and take some walking breaks.
    And bring snacks. Plan what you will eat. That is doable with prepackaged foods (yogurt , hummus , almonds ).
    If you think you can - you can. During this busy time it will be a source of pride that you are still taking care of yourself.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I buy some prepackaged healthy meals to keep on hand for when I don't have time to prep. Packaged salad mix, tuna pouches, frozen dinners with vegetables, fruit or veggies that don't need any prep (apples, bananas, blueberries, baby carrots), protein and meal bars. I get up early to workout before the day can get hectic.
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    This is a tough time , for sure. Don't give up ! Do what you can to help yourself stay on track.
    Sounds like workouts are tricky now - at least try to take a few extra steps at work - and take some walking breaks.
    And bring snacks. Plan what you will eat. That is doable with prepackaged foods (yogurt , hummus , almonds ).
    If you think you can - you can. During this busy time it will be a source of pride that you are still taking care of yourself.

    Thanks for this, it was awesome to read, and just what I needed to hear to be honest!
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    I buy some prepackaged healthy meals to keep on hand for when I don't have time to prep. Packaged salad mix, tuna pouches, frozen dinners with vegetables, fruit or veggies that don't need any prep (apples, bananas, blueberries, baby carrots), protein and meal bars. I get up early to workout before the day can get hectic.

    I kind of forgot about buying pre-packaged stuff.... thanks, will make a flying visit to the supermarket tomorrow on my way home!
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Also, for when things slow down - I'm a big fan of cooking large quantities of food and freezing it. I've found nothing is more convenient than when you don't have time to cook being able to take out a meal you previously cooked and froze and just heating it up in the oven or on the stove. Such a time saver.