
Diet, Cleanse, Detox which one is for me, which one are trending for me this week. I am over it so ready to just eat what I want to but I know that is not the answer. Back to the drawing board!


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Eat what you want, in moderation. You can fit food you like into your calorie goals. There is no need for a cleanse or detox.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Diet, Cleanse, Detox which one is for me, which one are trending for me this week. I am over it so ready to just eat what I want to but I know that is not the answer. Back to the drawing board!

    Enter your information into MFP.
    Select sedentary as your activity level.
    Select the amount you want to lose each week (1 lb/week).
    See the calories MFP gives you.
    Eat those calories.

    You can eat whatever you want to make up those calories ... just be meticulous in your food weighing and logging so that you are as accurate as possible. And you may find certain foods are more worth it than others.

    Log your exercise ... I chose the low, light, or slow options to log more accurately.
    Eat half your exercise calories back.
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    sunsweet77 wrote: »
    You don't need anything but some hard work at the gym, good sleep, a ton of water, and eat great most of the time and Within your calories. I'm down 90lbs. No gimmicks, no pills, no You got this!

    Nooooo! That's too simple!!!
  • mudonthetires856
    mudonthetires856 Posts: 79 Member
    You can still eat what you want as long as it fits in your calorie goals. Like everyone else has said...cleanse and detox are basically scams. Make sure you are logging accurately and stay within your calorie goals. Get a food scale if you don't have one already. You'll be surprised at how inaccurate your logging is and how inaccurate package weights are.

    If you are frustrated because the scale isn't moving, I would recommend downloading a weight trending app like Libra or HappyScale. Weigh in and log it everyday. There have been times when I felt frustrated with seemingly​ no change but as I look at the app, I noticed that it's still trending downwards. Weight goes up and down, but the overall trend is down and helps me to not freak out over a few pounds gained.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Stop paying attention to diet ads.

    I suggest just logging everything you eat for a week without trying to reduce at all. See what MFP tells you about your diet. Find out which meals and snacks are calorie bombs.

    Knowledge is power. Gimmicks are hokum.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    edited May 2017
    All these fad diets are not worth it... they may help short term but thats it.... short term... ideal for someone already at ideal weight or someone that just needs to shed a teeny amount of pounds.... Long Term is to see it as a healthy lifestyle choice... calorie counting, weighing etc, logging what calories you eat and burn and looking at the net calories.... What helps me personally is logging in advance what I am going to eat throughout the day then working out how much I need to burn to make it work.... my daily calories due to my goals etc are set at 1,320 calories per day but I always eat about 1600-1700 so I exercise so my net is between 1000-1300. Works for me and I often lose between 1lb - 2lb per week, you can still eat the foods you like in moderation so instead of eating say for example that whole bag of potato chips you have in your cupboard... weigh it out so you can spread that bag between 2-4 days maybe more... also look for low calorie/low fat/ low carb etc alternatives to the foods you love, limit your soda intake even just a few changes to your eating habits can help a lot, I read either on here or weight loss forum that someone managed to lose an incredible amount of weight just by cutting out soda.... find what works for you best, if it stops working, look back to see why and adjust and keep doing that a long the way, MFP is one of the best places for logging and also provides a good support network.
    I wish you all the best on your weightloss journey. :)

    EDIT: I forgot to add: getting into a routine will help a lot.
  • dragonfly_66
    dragonfly_66 Posts: 48 Member
    Diets are BS I only lost weight once I focused on health vs. Weight loss. The most work was mental for me. You've got this but remember nothing worth having comes easy!