Constantly sick/ can't seem to stay healthy

Hey guys, I haven't been on my journey for long( this time) it's been about 3 weeks. I have been eating tons of veggies and protein with only a few unhealthy desserts here and there. I housekeep and live at a hotel so I am active all day. I've lost 8lbs and would be feeling pretty good except for the fact that I am consistently sick with cold like symptoms. Some days I feel so fatigued that it's a struggle for me to even make it through my 8 hour day and then I'll
Come home and nap for 3 hours. I take vitamins and zinc supplements daily. I also workout/swim/sauna daily. I need advice on how I can kick this cold for good. I thought I was better yesterday then today my lymph nodes are swollen I have a sore throat and my body is aching. As well as a plugged nose. I've been like this all month. I thought that working out and eating healthy would make me better. But I really can't seem to shake this and it's really starting to irritate me. Thanks for reading and I really appreciate any advice!


  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @jillianash in Oct 2014 I had this same question when I started on my journey to recover my health. While I was old er and very sick my recovery did sometimes seem to be going in the wrong direction. While it sounded crazy at the time I did read the link below about 'retracement' of events. Not sure there is any validity in the concept but it seems to be valid in the stock market per some writers.

    The swollen lymph nodes could be a sign of some detoxing that is going on with your new Way Of Eating or you may really have a 'bug' that is going around or something.

    It was about six months into my new WOE of eating before the sick days stopped. If you have cut out a lot of processed foods you may be experiencing what some call the keto flu due to not getting the level of salt/sodium that we get when living mainly on processed foods.

    I expect you are on the right track for the long term.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited May 2017
    Sounds like a doctor thing to me.
    It could be something as simple but could be something else - Only your GP will be the able to help.

    When I had a constant cold my husband finally kicked me to the GP. I mean who goes to their GP for just a cold? Turns out I am allergic to dust mite. No big deal just on meds and now never ill anymore. Just relaying my story was because of your description of your job.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Just go to the doctors. Could be nothing, could be something. We can't help you. I get not wanting to go for a cold but man...I found out I had mono this fall. I just kept pushing and pushing and working through it and wondering why I was the most miserable person on the face of the earth.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    A cold that last that long could actually be an allergic reaction. What you are describing matches allergies to a tee. Many people think if you have a fever it can't be an allergy but that's not true. You might be allergic to the hotel cleaning products, fabric softener, air freshener....anything really.
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    Sounds like a doctor thing to me.
    It could be something as simple but could be something else - Only your GP will be the able to help.

    When I had a constant cold my husband finally kicked me to the GP. I mean who goes to their GP for just a cold? Turns out I am allergic to dust mite. No big deal just on meds and now never ill anymore. Just relaying my story was because of your description of your job.

    I am allergic to dust mites also but can't take medication. Needless to say my house is kept dust free!
  • Macy9336
    Macy9336 Posts: 694 Member
    Oh I wanted to add it takes as much as 6mos exposure to develop an allergy and sometimes you can develop an allergy later in life to something that's been ok your whole life before. So it's not always something new causing the allergy.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Did you significantly cut your carb intake. Some people get "carb flu" the first couple of weeks at low carb levels. I do agree with seeing a doctor.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,481 Member
    I began getting fewer colds when I became the office germaphobe. I quit eating food that was out at work. I started washing my hands a lot. Epecailly before eating, and on my way out of the gym.
  • TanyaHooton
    TanyaHooton Posts: 249 Member
    This is a necrothread (there have been a lot lately on the MFP forums). Hopefully the OP is better now.