Preparing for Gastric Sleeve, looking to meet ppl to share info and recipes, etc

I'm on MFP documenting a 1400 cal diet, before I'm approved for gastric sleeve surgery, amongst other things pre-op. Don't know when I'm actually having the surgery. Really love reading all of these great stories and journeys. Very helpful. I'm 5'5". I've shrunk 2 INCHES!!!! I weighed 361 a little over a month ago. I now weigh 349. I've got to do better.


  • jobalmer
    jobalmer Posts: 6 Member
    Hi!! I just had the sleeve surgery done on 5/17. I have lost 20 lbs since surgery. Feel free to add me.
  • nickybad
    nickybad Posts: 7 Member
    In prep for sleeve. Not sure how it will go, I am only one month in. Would love friends with similar diets, advice and support.
  • lifeisgreatwith4
    lifeisgreatwith4 Posts: 9 Member
    I too am preparing for the sleeve. I am 5'8 was 365lbs (now 353), been over weight all my life. Really want my life back. I have gone through all of the pre-surgery checklist stuff just waiting for a surgery date. I go back on June 12th. Should know more then. Until then the dietician has me on a MIMIC fasting diet. Three days a week I'm on 1000 calories, the rest of the week is 1600 calories. I'm on day three and it is tough. Feel free to add me, I too would love to find new recipes.
  • Chelle_R_M
    Chelle_R_M Posts: 2 Member
    So Happy you posted! I will be having surgery within the year (at least that is the plan). Currently.. 5'1 335 lbs. Dr wants me on 1500 cal diet. Ahh!! Soda is my worst habit. 37 years old.. Dealing with Fibromyalgia and COPD feel like I'm dying every day. Hoping that weight loss can save my life. Going to be a long journey for me.. Needing buddies to travel with!
  • Laguerita4680
    Laguerita4680 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2017
    First time on here. Hope I'm doing this correctly lol. I'm getting the sleeve surgery really soon. I have passed and been cleared from everything. Just waiting on my surgery date. Am really scared not of the surgery but of the special diets I will be having to do. I am not used to the eating healthy. I have tried a lot of diets and nothing has worked. I also have hypothyroid which doesn't help much thats y I decided to go ahead and get the surgery. I used to drink a lot of red bulls and I mean a lot 2 to 3 12oz per day. I seemed to have quit that already so thats a plus. I'm 5'5 226lbs and I am 38 yrs old and I have knee problems due to my weight. I have tried those meal preps but I never seem to be able to eat them all since I'm always running back and fourth with errands and kids activities. I am a mother of 6 beautiful children yes I said 6 lol 3 boys & 3 girls. Boys 20, 8 & 3. Girls 15, 12 & 11. I have full support of my wonderful husband n my kids but somehow I don't feel motivated to do anything for my health :( Hopefully I can find friends on here who r like me.
    Feel free to add me. I don't know how to add people yet.
  • brandipirkey
    brandipirkey Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Sounds like we have a little in common. I use to drink a 2 litter of soda a day, thats it. I have completely cut out all soda. I just recently started over on here, I've been needing to try and get some of this weight off plus do some strength training. For several years now I've been interested in weight loss surgery. But just never been to the dr about it. I'm trying to get in shape to apply to be a CO at a prison here in my town. I have just a month or two to try to get in the best shape I can. I'll send you a friend request. Anyone is also welcome to send me a request :)
  • natishawilson8358
    natishawilson8358 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Tisha. I just got approved for VSG. I didn't realize it would be such a long wait to surgery day! I was hoping to do it this summer, but it's looking more like Christmas... I've been using MFP for a week now. I haven't changed anything yet. Just wanted to get used to tracking. Miraculously I have actually lost 4 pounds. I look forward to chatting with folks in the same boat :smile:
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    edited June 2017
    I am also now (again) preparing for bariatric surgery (VSG this time), sometime this fall or, at the latest, by the end of this year.

    I had attempted to have bariatric surgery (RNY, gastric bypass) 2 years ago, but got denied by my insurance due to failing my pre-surgical psych exam (I got diagnosed with BED--Binge Eating Disorder). I spent about a year after that dieting, binge-eating & gaining lost weight back and not having any luck finding any place local to get treatment for BED that took my insurance (otherwise, it's a $5k+ cost out of my pocket--minimum). I finally decided to expand my travel-to-treatment range to 90min and found a place that took my insurance and could treat BED and started with that around February 1, 2017 and, finally, I feel I can say that my binge-eating issue is gone (fingers crossed--my last binge was May 7, 2017) as I have now passed my pre-surgical psych exam for bariatric surgery as of June2017. Getting the BED under control also got my diabetes under good control too (my A1C, a measure of blood sugar control over 3 months, is now 5.4 % vs 7.0 % back in Jan2017) & my weight has dropped 59 pounds since New Years.

    I still have to re-do the nutrition counseling for post-surgery meals & vitamins/minerals supplements to take, pulmonary test & chest xray, EGD test & to re-meet with my surgeon again since I've changed from RNY to VSG.

    I've been logging my meals since Feb 1, 2017 (in Excel) but switched over to MyFitnessPal on May 8, 2017 to make it easier to track total calories & macros (as well as for each meal) in addition to my insulin dosage & blood sugar reading at each meal.
  • pammytw
    pammytw Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All, I'm also preparing for my sleeve. being sleeved 1st sept 2017. I'm very excited and nervous :smile: I'd love to have a few more friends on the same journey :)