Protein making me crazy



  • crandos
    crandos Posts: 377 Member
    Humapro EAA supplement 1 scoop is 25 protein and only 5 calories.
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    I suggest you look towards proteins for getting your protein in, Not nuts, avocado and peanut butter, which all barely have any protein.
    Once you've had your limit of meat that you can stomach daily, hit the plain no fa Greek yogurt with some Splenda, it's about 22g protein/11g carb for 8oz, 2 cups of that is nearly 50g protein for less than 300cal.

    For even less cals and carbs you can buy a whey protein isolate, which is about 27g protein and 110 cals for one serving. With all of the options out there, it should be hard to not hit protein
  • ShaunaMcMac
    ShaunaMcMac Posts: 160 Member
    I think you pretty much have to go with protein powder. Greek yogurt helps, too.

    Protein powder IN greek yogurt! :) yum!
  • RealMarkD
    RealMarkD Posts: 92 Member
    I have a salad just about every day for lunch, and add a hard boiled egg (whites only) or 1/4 cup of garbanzo beans, sometimes 1/2 a can of drained tuna. If I have leftover chicken or steak from dinner the previous night, I'll add 1-2 ounces to my salad. I also started using protein powder the other week and making a shake for after my workouts.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Just curios why do you need to up your protein?

    Personally, if you feel you have to sacrifice your veggies for your protein stick with your current level and have more veggies.
  • justwanderful
    justwanderful Posts: 142 Member

    I looked through your diary for a bit. Couple things stood out:

    Your protein goal is pretty high to begin with. I don't know your stats but most people aim for about 1g of protein per 1lb of lean body mass. Given that you are a 5'5" woman with a goal weight of 135 I'm guessing you don't have that much LBM. Maybe 100lbs. As a result, maybe reconsider your protein goal to something more like 100-110g a day?

    Secondly, getting in sufficient protein is easy but requires a little forethought. I get in 175-225g a day in under 2000 calories so it's very doable. You pretty much have to be eating protein at every meal though and fit it in however you can.

    Your breakfast seems to a problem, you eat a lot mof carbs for breakfast (cereal, pancakes, etc) and when you do get some protein it's not much. Instead of eating one egg, eat two. Or eat one/two with a couple egg whites. That protein cereal, don't bother. It's not even 15% protein, it's just marketing nonsense. Make sure you're reading labels to ensure that they are backing up their claims. Instead of pancakes, make protein pancakes maybe?

    It looks like you like celery and apples for snacks. Make them with PB2 instead.

    It looks like you've added a Luna bar as a snack. Don't waste your time with these, they are glorified candy bars (mostly fat and carbs). If you want a bar, get Quest bars (lower calories and almost double the protein). If you want to supplement, use a powder instead. You can get 20-25g of protein in 100 calories worth of protein powder, easily. That could really boost your numbers.

    You don't eat a lot of meat it seems which is really going to hurt you. When you do eat meat, for example don't do 4 ounces of chicken - do 8. I don't think I eat any meals with less than half a pound of meat, ever.

    That should get you into your desired range easily. Lots of people do protein supplements to make it easier and simpler as I mentioned, that might be an option if you don't want to change your diet much.


    Your macros are set at 45% carbs, 30% fat and 25% protein. It should be easy to hit that 25% without much trouble if you cut back on the carbs.

    Try eggs for breakfast. They have lots of protein and will keep you fuller longer than a bowl of cereal. If you're low on time, do what I do: Hard boil a dozen eggs at a time and keep these in the fridge for quick breakfasts and snacks.

    Cook a batch of chicken breasts up at the beginning of the week. Freeze them individually and keep a few thawed in your fridge. Make them one of your go-to snacks instead of a protein/candy bar.

    Try some lean pork and lean beef like sirloin. Lots of protein with low fat.

    With the tips posted here, hitting 25% protein should be easy. Remember, do it at the expense of grains, not vegetables.