Couch to 5k on nokia lumia

I have recently started couch to 5k i am using the podcast on my iphone! But ive smashed my phone it completely buggered so i am using an old nokia lumia 550 but cannot figure out how to get couch to 5k on it?!?!? Can anyone help? Is it just me being stupid?!?!?


  • Meelisv
    Meelisv Posts: 235 Member
    Seems that there are currently no C25K apps on Windows Phone store. Probably won't be either, since it is almost dead platform by now. No other solution here other than to try to find some cheap Android phone instead of Lumia until you can get another iPhone or decent Android phone.
  • loopylucy7
    loopylucy7 Posts: 2 Member
    Me and my other half have just got up to 30mins on the couch to 5k. I prefer to take my iPod out which has a timer on it. It's lighter and more reliable than my phone. I set the timer and stop running when it goes off! Find the times online and you don't need the app.