5'1" and 115lbs. Would like to build stamina and gain muscle

Hey everyone! I need tips on gaining muscle. I am a petite person but I would like to see some muscle improvement. Tips??!


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited May 2017
    Have a read of the recomp thread. You are a good weight for your height so a recomp- eating at maintenance and lifting weights should work well for you.


    Don't let being petite, a woman, new to lifting, put you off going to the weights section in the gym. I too am 5'1 and non of the above have deterred me.

    Cheers, h.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited May 2017

    A progressive weight lifting program will be about the only way to do it.

    At the start you can usually do much wrong and still make improvements - but why waste the time when it can be done really right and really make great improvements.

    Ditto's to eating at maintenance.

    And since lifting isn't a huge calorie burn (just log it as Strength Training and eat all the calories back - it ain't much), as a short gal - you'll probably want to throw some cardio in after the lifting, intense as you can make it, merely to eat at levels higher than otherwise.
    Then on rest days, easy cardio to still give yourself some calories.