First Post, Welcome, and Motivation Seeking

ca1v1n Posts: 30 Member
Started using MFP just over a month ago and feels like I really have found something that works for me. The tracking and daily logging just seems to have clicked. My weaknesses are potato chips and beer and not in that order. Having to track both, and realizing how many calories are in a bowl of potato chips really made it real for me. I've cut down significantly on beer and basically forsaken chips entirely.

So now one month in and 12 lbs down. I'm 6'3" and started at 240. Nice beer gut. Down to 228 now. Smaller beer gut. I figure 38 to go. I would like to be 190. Have not been there since I was 17. I would settle for 200 I think, it will depend I suppose on how I feel the stomach looks in the mirror.

As for exercise I'm doing karate 2-3 times a week in 60 minute sessions and aiming for 20-30 minute sessions on an elliptical trainer at least 3 days a week as well. No weight training but recognize I will likely have to add that soon. Not looking for a 6-pack would just like to not have a gut and no longer feel self-conscious. Secondary goal is to get my Black Belt before I turn 50.

It's long term health as well for sure. I'm in my mid-40's now and would like to have a good quality of life in my 80's and 90's.

So that's me. First post.


  • Katie_sun717
    Katie_sun717 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am just returning to MFP after taking an extended break from tracking. It can become such a drag....until you see results and then it's totally worth it. Using this app helped me lose weight in the past and I'm looking forward to it doing so again.
  • Cjmillan20
    Cjmillan20 Posts: 27 Member
    That is great that you have found something that is working! I had tried losing weight on my own which never worked until I found mfp. Keep up the good work! Add me if you would like support.