Calories help?

lezelle123 Posts: 30 Member
Hiya everyone im new to this.. busy mum of 5 so dont know how im not loosing weight.. sometimes i dont even eat the 2000 calories recommended! Well this app recons i need to eat 1420 calories a day i was just wondering do i need to eat that ammount everyday or if im under that will i still loose weight? Thanks
Also if anyone new starting would like a buddy... im here..
Im 5ft2 and not weighef myself but guessing around 13 stone... dont worry i will weigh!!


  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    lezelle123 wrote: »
    Hiya everyone im new to this.. busy mum of 5 so dont know how im not loosing weight.. sometimes i dont even eat the 2000 calories recommended! Well this app recons i need to eat 1420 calories a day i was just wondering do i need to eat that ammount everyday or if im under that will i still loose weight? Thanks
    Also if anyone new starting would like a buddy... im here..
    Im 5ft2 and not weighef myself but guessing around 13 stone... dont worry i will weigh!!

    You will lose weight eating less than the 1420 recommended by the app, but there is no need to eat less than that really, the calorie goal already includes a deficit for you to lose weight so you should be aiming to hit that amount.

    The calorie goal is calculated as your

    Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (Calories Burned) from normal daily activity


    Deficit (Calculated from the rate of loss you have chosen - 250 calories per 0.5lb per week)


    Calories Burned from Exercise

  • lezelle123
    lezelle123 Posts: 30 Member
    lezelle123 wrote: »
    Hiya everyone im new to this.. busy mum of 5 so dont know how im not loosing weight.. sometimes i dont even eat the 2000 calories recommended! Well this app recons i need to eat 1420 calories a day i was just wondering do i need to eat that ammount everyday or if im under that will i still loose weight? Thanks
    Also if anyone new starting would like a buddy... im here..
    Im 5ft2 and not weighef myself but guessing around 13 stone... dont worry i will weigh!!

    You will lose weight eating less than the 1420 recommended by the app, but there is no need to eat less than that really, the calorie goal already includes a deficit for you to lose weight so you should be aiming to hit that amount.

    The calorie goal is calculated as your

    Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (Calories Burned) from normal daily activity


    Deficit (Calculated from the rate of loss you have chosen - 250 calories per 0.5lb per week)


    Calories Burned from Exercise

    Thanks so much. I wasnt planning eating less than that but some days i might not reach it. Thanks