It's Official - The Scale is BROKEN!!

OK... maybe not, but ME NO LIKEY at this stage. I TRIED to will myself to stay off the scale, especially since I am getting back into weight training and lifting pretty heavy, but The. Scale.Is. Evil (was I the only one who heard the DUN! DUN!! DUN!!! music in my head?!?!?)

I've been "back on the wagon since May 1st) and have been really proud of myself. It's tough, but I've figured out a way to work TWO jobs, keep up with visiting my Dad regularly at the Assisted Living Facility (part of how I put on the weight), work out three times a week, AND pre-paln and prepare my meals. Did I say it's tough???

I look in the mirror, and I can definitely see some changes in my body composition as a result of my efforts, but I'm in the FIT FAT stage. You know, when you can see muscles trying to peek out, but all that's really happening is that those muscles are pushing out the layer of fat on top of it making things look worse before they get better?

It's SOOOO frustrating! I'm SOOOO impatient! Then I got on the stupid scale this weekend and the number went UP?!?!? It took every fiber of my being not to just scrap the whole workout thing and head for the Oreos and Ice Cream.

But I'm going to stay the course and try to figure out a way to up the cardio. I HATE CARDIO!!!! The only reason I choose to run is if I'm being chased (seriously). Oh how I miss my 25-year-old metabolism!!!

This concludes this episode of the ZenZeta meltdown. Be sure to tune into the next episode. COMING SOON!!!


  • foodhasfeelingstoo
    foodhasfeelingstoo Posts: 13 Member
    Did anyone ever tell you that especially when weight lifting the number on the scale is meaningless? Muscle is way heavier than fat while lower in volume. Track that progress with a measuring tape (neck, waist, arms, chest, his, legs) or better yet, write down your lifting progress. Can't believe you still even own a scale ...