Half marathon- training tips



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    aurabu wrote: »
    You need to work on increasing the distance of one of your runs into a long run. When was the last time you ran 10k?

    3 , 4 months ago. :([/quote]

    Depending on how much volume you were running at the time you might be in a better place than your earlier posts have suggested.

    I wouldn't recommend shooting for 13 miles in advance. If you can run 10 miles then you can get to 13 on race day. It won't be the most fun you've had, but it's achievable.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Depending on how much volume you were running at the time you might be in a better place than your earlier posts have suggested.

    I wouldn't recommend shooting for 13 miles in advance. If you can run 10 miles then you can get to 13 on race day. It won't be the most fun you've had, but it's achievable.

    my first half marathon when i had only run 11 miles once ahead of the race was much more fun than the next one when i had done 12 miles on a regular basis on training!!! :laugh:
  • Baggyd
    Baggyd Posts: 8 Member
    I personally find the Nike+ half marathon plan so great. Unfortunately it is a 14 week plan.
    Just be careful of increasing your mileage too much in the coming weeks, so you don't pick up an injury along the way. I think the recommended is 10% incr / week (I stand corrected).
    That being said, you most likely could complete the distance, but would be horribly sore the next day. Good luck & keep at it.
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    That is a little short but I would say gradually increase your mileage..notably your long run. Try to get to at least 11 miles 2 -3 weeks before the race then taper down.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    Depending on how much volume you were running at the time you might be in a better place than your earlier posts have suggested.

    I wouldn't recommend shooting for 13 miles in advance. If you can run 10 miles then you can get to 13 on race day. It won't be the most fun you've had, but it's achievable.

    my first half marathon when i had only run 11 miles once ahead of the race was much more fun than the next one when i had done 12 miles on a regular basis on training!!! :laugh:

    That's all about putting pressure on yourself. For a first at the distance you've got no expectations, for your second you've got a PB to make.

    My second marathon was a miserable experience, despite being quicker than my first. My second ultra was better, but I went into that knowing that I had the risk of similar mental pressure.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Depending on how much volume you were running at the time you might be in a better place than your earlier posts have suggested.

    I wouldn't recommend shooting for 13 miles in advance. If you can run 10 miles then you can get to 13 on race day. It won't be the most fun you've had, but it's achievable.

    my first half marathon when i had only run 11 miles once ahead of the race was much more fun than the next one when i had done 12 miles on a regular basis on training!!! :laugh:

    That's all about putting pressure on yourself. For a first at the distance you've got no expectations, for your second you've got a PB to make.

    My second marathon was a miserable experience, despite being quicker than my first. My second ultra was better, but I went into that knowing that I had the risk of similar mental pressure.

    i know... don't know how to get round that though... other than do a marathon so i have no time to beat!!!! :laugh:
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    You know it makes sense
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member

    Depending on how much volume you were running at the time you might be in a better place than your earlier posts have suggested.

    I wouldn't recommend shooting for 13 miles in advance. If you can run 10 miles then you can get to 13 on race day. It won't be the most fun you've had, but it's achievable.

    my first half marathon when i had only run 11 miles once ahead of the race was much more fun than the next one when i had done 12 miles on a regular basis on training!!! :laugh:

    That's all about putting pressure on yourself. For a first at the distance you've got no expectations, for your second you've got a PB to make.

    My second marathon was a miserable experience, despite being quicker than my first. My second ultra was better, but I went into that knowing that I had the risk of similar mental pressure.

    yes the mental pressure - until last year my PB for my half-ironman had been my first one (even though I had done like 5 more) - and even then I only beat it by like a minute (nearly psyched myself out)
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    aurabu wrote: »
    Thank you all, i wouldn't have had such an insight without you. I have looked at all plans and i have customised one for myself. I have already started increasing my miles (4 today) . I will just aim to finish on my first one and worry about speed at the next one.

    how many miles are you doing for your longest run? the longest i did for my first half was 11, which was fine. don't feel that you need to have done the distance pre race. trying to do 13 miles in 4 weeks time is bad advice IMO.

    At least a few of the training plans I've seen only had 10-11 miles as the longest training run planned.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    ritzvin wrote: »
    aurabu wrote: »
    Thank you all, i wouldn't have had such an insight without you. I have looked at all plans and i have customised one for myself. I have already started increasing my miles (4 today) . I will just aim to finish on my first one and worry about speed at the next one.

    how many miles are you doing for your longest run? the longest i did for my first half was 11, which was fine. don't feel that you need to have done the distance pre race. trying to do 13 miles in 4 weeks time is bad advice IMO.

    At least a few of the training plans I've seen only had 10-11 miles as the longest training run planned.

    Yes, many do stop at about 10 miles. I made sure to have at least one run at 13 miles (did two) just to tell me that the distance could be covered. I saved the last 0.1 mile for the race to ensure a Half marathon PB during my first race ;-). You probably can do a Half with your longest run being 10 miles, my opinion was to make sure I could cover the 13. To each his/her own. (there was a dramatic improvement from my first 13 mile training and the second, and another dramatic improvement from the second to the race)
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    For your first half in the time you have to train, I probably wouldn't got past 10 miles. The recovery is just as important as the running and if you don't have a good base every week's long run is going to take some recovery. Also run it slower than you think you need to. I have been training by heart rate for the last year and because the runs are all aerobic and slower than my race pace I don't get the aches and pains at night (even after my first 18 mile run). When I was running by mileage alone I found it hard to sleep at night because my legs bugged me but I was running every mile at race pace...big mistake.

    Run this first one for the experience than run your next for speed.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    aurabu wrote: »
    Hi all, I will be attempting to run a half marathon at the end of July. The most I 've run until now was 10k but my usual run is a 5k run. Any tips on how to train, how much, how often, when to start, etc? Thank you

    I made the same sort of jump when I entered a half marathon on Sunday, as in the furthest I'd *run* when I entered was 10k in March. The first thing you want to ask yourself is are going to be happy to walk some or do you feel you need to run the whole way? I decided that getting to the finish line was the important thing and so decided to run/walk intervals from the start and if I wanted to run through the walk intervals then that was fine, but I didn't allow myself to walk through the run intervals.
    In the weeks between the 10k and half I ran 4x a week, 3x following a 21k training app and one longer run/walk that I increased by 2.5km a week until I did 15km the week before the half. I ended finishing the half in 3hr 33min, yes I walked my intervals, but I also ran through quite a few walking intervals and even pushed though the wall.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • JennyKCarty
    JennyKCarty Posts: 457 Member
    aurabu wrote: »
    So today was the day. Wimbledon Common Half Marathon. I had about two months to train but only trained one after all. I am so happy i've finished. 2h and 22min for my first half marathon! :) thank you all for the tips given.

    That's a great time for your first half. Congratulations!!!
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    That beats mine. (if memory serves, my first half took me 2:35).
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,836 Member
    aurabu wrote: »
    So today was the day. Wimbledon Common Half Marathon. I had about two months to train but only trained one after all. I am so happy i've finished. 2h and 22min for my first half marathon! :) thank you all for the tips given.

    Congratulations! Well done. You did great! <3<3

    I'm currently training for the Scotland Half at the end of September and am aiming at finishing in just under three hours. That would be fast for me :) Lets see if it works out.