
Hi Guys, looking for some tips...
I'm going on Hols soon and I know I'll need an extension belt,:blushing: :blushing:
I started here 320 lbs and have lost 49 lbs, I feel good , but I'm traveling with a group
of family and friends who are all ok-weight wise. I'm travelling from Ireland to Spain
And just want to know has anyone experienced this and what's the best way to
Go about it... Thanks in advance..... Olive.x


  • ShrinkingMuslimah
    ShrinkingMuslimah Posts: 99 Member
    Are you sure you need one?

    When I went from Vancouver to North Africa and back I was about 290 or so, and didn't need one on any of the flights (only 2 flights to get there, but 3 or 4 coming back, can't remember for sure). All of the seat belts fit me, even with a bit of room for adjustment. :)

    Even when I was about 380 I flew from Vic to Winnipeg, the flight attendant was very rude and tried to shove an extension at me (not being discrete at all), but I just managed to get the thing done up without the extension (it was a tight fit, but it was buckled!).

    I'd say go there with a positive mind and see how you do. If you sit down and it doesn't fit just tell the people you're traveling with "I'm just going to go ask the flight attendant a question" and ask them very discretely if they have an extension.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I was 283 when I went to Scotland and just asked the fight attendant as they went up and down the aisle. They were discreet about it and you just leave it there when you exit the plane. I know have room to wiggle about :flowerforyou:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Don't assume you'll need an extension, it's going to depend on where you carry your weight and the airline/airplane itself.

    If you're asking about how to ask? If you're certain it's going to be necessary you can ask an attendant as you pass them when you board the plane, they'll just need to know your seat. Or you can wait until you're in the seat, and then catch an attendent as they go by during boarding and pre-takeoff.

    It's never been an issue for me, nor an embarrassment. Just a fact of life, though it is nice that I've now flown once not needing one, and a couple of times borderline.
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Thanks for all the help,
    Ive experienced USA flights and European and the USA seem to be more
    Generous when it comes to seats and belts..
    I do carry most of my weight around the Tummy area,
    I'll try the belt and then ask...

    I SWEAR..... THIS WILL BE THE LAST TIME EVER.... Watch this space !!!