For gals Only..It snuck up

For gals only...It snuck up on me, TOM. TMI I know but I always have aches and cramps and mood swings and food cravings and I am never on time. Not this month!!! Thank goodness I am home today or it could have been major embarrassment!!! I can't believe it, wish they were all like this!! Did anyone else experience this? Could this be another up side to diet and exercise?


  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    That has happened to me recently? Maybe it's all the exercise or the weight loss? I dunno. :flowerforyou:
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    It's totally the exercise. I have very bad 'symptoms' and back when I used to exercise loads every day I never had a single symptom! but I noticed even if I missed one day either immediately before or during then I still got symptoms.... but I guess that varies person to person.
  • xxxlimitxxx
    For me, when I changed my diet and watched what I ate and started moving my butt again I noticed that it sneaks up on me too, I use to have major cramps and cravings before hand and now, it comes without warning at times lol I do think diet and exercise make a difference, I think its just our bodies changing with the changes as well...
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Girl I totally know what your talking about!! I got mine last weekend and I had no symptoms whatsoever! My cramps on the 1st day are usually god awful and I had none! The next day I just had minor cramps that came and went as they pleased! If this isn't motivation, then I don't know what the heck is! LOL
  • My600PdLife
    My600PdLife Posts: 57 Member
    Happy to say that this is no longer a problem for me. I had the Novasure procedure back in Nov. 09 and don't regret it at all. :))
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    Mine totally changed. . I use to cramp bad, have lots of clots, and go only 3 days. It is a week earlier then it use to be now, brighter color, no clots, and the worse part is, it's 5 days now. I never use to crave anything, now I want chocolate. Thank goodness for Special K chocolate delight, 100 cal packs of chocolate covered pretzels and Jello Mousse Temptations!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Just a heads up- around the time I lost 35 pounds my whole cycle went Bananas and I had to switch birth control, because my hormones had changed with my body fat and I now needed a different balance. Weight is tied in with how your cycle and your pill works, so if it's giving you trouble, there is a scientific explanation and it should be manageable through medication if you are okay with that option.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Since we are on the topic. I wonder if eating really low calories (detoxing) could actually make your period late? I know your period will stop if you are too thin, but that is SOO not the case with me. I was just sitting here counting the days and realizing I am a week late. I keep thinking I am going to start but haven't and think maybe the diet I am on this week (ONLY this week) is keeping it at bay? I am also exercising... a lot (for me).
  • Kera885
    Kera885 Posts: 59
    Actually, I've been incredibly regular in that aspect since dieting and exercising. My cramps have almost disappeared (like yours) but my periods have become very predictable. 28-31 days apart, it used to be that I'd only get my period once every few months (IF I was lucky), I once went 6 months without having one and I'm only 19. Although PCOS does run in my family, so maybe losing some weight and eating better is helping that? Either way, I'm very grateful lol.
  • thickntired
    thickntired Posts: 76 Member
    Oh exercising and dieting it will effect your cycle for sure. I have been through the spectrum of not having it for years to having it non-stop for years to having this month skip a few months and then having it. But usually when I start exercising it starts it up again without warning. So yes it does play a lot in that. But I take comfort in knowing now that it's not just me and this thing does happen. It should balance itself out once your hormones balance out again.
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Yeah, I usually have cramps leading up to it (lets me know its on its way lol) but this time none. Only on first day I got cramps, was pleased haha.
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 18
    OMGosh! I'm so glad this topic was brought up! Been irregular for years (I'd even been 9 months before without)...recently it's been more regular, like a five week cycle, but last two were FOUR weeks. I've NEVER in my life had a four week cycle!

    On the downside, all the rest has gotten worse for me - more cramps, fatigue, a long "week"....but you all have given me hope that'll let up too.
