Seeking advice

Hello . I am new to all this technology stuff . I'm 47 y.o​ 6'2" and 210-220 pounds . I found out I have cancer 3 weeks ago and been doing chemo and radiation 5 days now . So far am feeling good most days . But for the last 6 months have been able to loose about 30 pounds . But now can't get below 200 would like to be around 180-190 . Not surprising I'm somewhat confused about the m.f.p calorie counter . For example I ride my bike 150-200 miles a week and weight train at the y when I feel like it . But have been to tired to do very much weight training the last month or so . But in the calorie counter my daily goal is 2,300 Cal my actual food Cal intake is anywhere from 1600-4,000 calories a day . My exercise calories burned is anywhere between 800-2,300 leaving remaining calories anywhere from 800- 2,400 . If anyone can understand my ramblings I'm wondering if I should eat enough until my remaining calories are at or almost zero . Also all my food is healthy . No sugar or processed etc . Thanks for any tips or advice . Have a nice day everyone


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    I don't know this for a fact, but it seems reasonable that chemo and radiation could cause water retention, since they damage tissue and your body retains extra water when it's trying to repair damaged tissue.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Hello . I am new to all this technology stuff . I'm 47 y.o​ 6'2" and 210-220 pounds . I found out I have cancer 3 weeks ago and been doing chemo and radiation 5 days now . So far am feeling good most days . But for the last 6 months have been able to loose about 30 pounds . But now can't get below 200 would like to be around 180-190 . Not surprising I'm somewhat confused about the m.f.p calorie counter . For example I ride my bike 150-200 miles a week and weight train at the y when I feel like it . But have been to tired to do very much weight training the last month or so . But in the calorie counter my daily goal is 2,300 Cal my actual food Cal intake is anywhere from 1600-4,000 calories a day . My exercise calories burned is anywhere between 800-2,300 leaving remaining calories anywhere from 800- 2,400 . If anyone can understand my ramblings I'm wondering if I should eat enough until my remaining calories are at or almost zero . Also all my food is healthy . No sugar or processed etc . Thanks for any tips or advice . Have a nice day everyone

    Ordinarily people eat back 1/3 to 1/2 of their exercise calories. Eat food!! :mrgreen: Check with a licensed dietician about eating at maintenance or even above.

    Check with a medical expert, but my guess is that weight training is going to help you more with what you are going through than the cardio, but if you love the cardio and it is working for you, then go ahead.

    The weight you are talking about is probably water weight / some inflammation.
    Five days is not a big deal. Be patient. Look at other metrics beyond the scale like photos and measurements and how your clothes fit.

    You might not need to be so concerned about processed food and sugar but do what you feel that that works for you. Good job on the 30 pounds in six months. :star::star:
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, my best wishes that you kick cancers *kitten* because cancer sucks! With that said, I don't know that I would be trying to eat at a deficit while in treatment. This is clearly a topic that you should take to your doctor, unless there is an oncologist in here, it is unlikely that anyone really knows what to advise you. Again, best wishes to you!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My instinct is to recommend that you eat at maintenance (so the amount of calories mfp gives you in order to stay at your current weight) while you continue to undergo chemo.

    But I would recommend discussing this with your doctor.


    sounds liek you are massively under feeding yourself.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    My instinct is to recommend that you eat at maintenance (so the amount of calories mfp gives you in order to stay at your current weight) while you continue to undergo chemo.

    But I would recommend discussing this with your doctor.

    Echoing this. Chemo and radiation are notoriously rough on your body... You should attempt to eat maintenance--you might not always get there, but your body needs fuel to try to recover from treatment.
  • tenilleless
    tenilleless Posts: 88 Member
    I know when my mother had cancer, they told her not to lose weight until she was in remission. And she had a lot to lose. Treatments take a lot out of you and a lot of people shrink down too much during chemo. You're body is in a high stress state and it's better to put weight loss on hold until you get the all clear again. If you start getting nausea or sick, you'll need a little extra padding.

    I'd double check with your oncologist before doing anything too drastic. I'd also clear your exercise routine with them. It's better to keep your health and lose some fitness than to try too hard and end up hospitalized (especially if you're in the US and that would be expensive).
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    The only advice I would go with is the oncologist who is treating you and has seen your medical files.

    It is very individual. I wish you the best health going forward.
  • reynoldsj042
    reynoldsj042 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback . For the most part was a long the lines of what I was thinking . The doctors and the dietitian at the cancer center I go to can't seem to answer most of my questions . Still have 5 weeks of chemo and radiation to go so guess I'll cut back on the dieting and exercise for awhile .