Did you feel less hungry after a while eating in a deficit?



  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    I do still get hungry but I'm getting better at ignoring it and reminding myself that I have fat that my body can burn. I usually run about 1K a day sometimes popping up to 1200 but I try to stay closer to 1K since I'm working on losing 2lb a week.
  • HM2206
    HM2206 Posts: 174 Member
    I am hungry at 1600 calories a day, regardless of what kind of food I eat. Not starving, but going to bed slightly hungry.

    Some days more than others obviously, but I usually wake up very hungry.
  • EMC85083
    EMC85083 Posts: 16 Member
    I am almost 2 weeks in eating roughly 1350 calories per day and I am finally starting to adjust. For the last 2 days I have not been feeling nearly as hungry as I was in the beginning. I can't let myself get too hungry at any point during the day though, so I always bring my lunch and pre-measured nuts and/or fruit for snacks.
  • JDHayesBC
    JDHayesBC Posts: 9 Member
    oat_bran wrote: »
    Are there a lot of people who felt hungry in the beginning but after a while their hunger levels demished?
    On previous nutrition plans that's been my experience. I get less hungry as I eat less. Then again, I've never been very solidly attached to hunger.

    Our current plan which is substantially lower carb and higher fat than yours. That's also the distinguishing feature from previous diets of ours. We find fat, in particular, to pretty much be the off-switch for hunger. Protein runs second place. For my wife and I, hunger was much more a part of our previous "typical western diet with no caloric restrictions" than it is our new diet.