Menopause is so severe for me. My mind and body totally changed in one year.

Hi my name is Shelie. I gained 25 lbs over the last year. Menopause symptoms are very bay for me. Depression, forgetfulness, fatigue, pain, stress and overeating caused me to gain this weight. The fatigue and pain make me feel physically weak, so my activity has significantly diminished and I have no motivation. Doctors can't find any thing wrong with me. I am hoping this website can help me change.


  • janaalfaro6116
    janaalfaro6116 Posts: 2 Member
    Hormones are a b****! You're taking a great step in the right direction. I hope this community can help you as well. What are you trying to accomplish activity and diet wise?
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Hi @ shelieandgus I feel for you I really do.

    I will never forget my descent into menopause at 40. The emotional rollercoaster and physical symptoms were debilitating and I did consider many times that I was going insane. What helped was taking HRT. Not everyone agrees with this or can take this due to medical issues but for me it was a Godsend.

    Please go back to your Dr. I had to return to mine twice and demand re-testing my hormone levels due to the symptoms 1st test came back fine....and I felt as though I had summarily been dismissed as over reacting, 3 months later though those levels were through the floor and I got some help.

    There are supplements that other ladies I have known speak highly of, pretty much though you have to go through trial and error to see what suits you. There are creams for vaginal dryness if that is bothersome and I think creams now that provide your body with hormones through the skin.

    For the night sweats and broken sleep - Ugh. Again, trial and error but I did find benefit in avoiding coffee after 2pm and eating earlier. A sweep fan also helped during the sweating and internal oven period and a light but comfy doona with decent cotton manchester was good for the shivery cold of afterwards.

    I found comfort in the support of other women who like me were doing it tough. Some breeze through and therefore cannot understand the depths of despair these symptoms can bring you too. There is a thread about peri-menopause in the weight loss section that has lots of interest just do a search on here and see what you come up with.

    Regarding weight issues, I did find that it helped me cope, the 'better' I ate. I was in the zone to eat poorly and wanted all the fast foods and chocolates ever made....this was not helpful. I endeavoured to eat well, making sure that I had plenty of veg. meats and fruits. Got into yoghurt and had the other stuff as fillers not meals. I found that walking was helpful too. I started out by going for walks when 'life' got too much and death by menopause was in the future of those in my immediate surrounds. The silence and space gave me some much needed time out.

    This ^^^ is just touching the surface for ideas but it's long enough already.
    I wish you well.