
I am almost to my goal weight! But I need help. I'm struggle on the final stretch and starting to get lazy with tracking everything. I need more accountability to reach my goal then maintain it! So if someone wants to get on me about tracking everyday. That would be awesome!


  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Look at pictures of the old you daily. Stick post it's around the house or in drawers reminding you of the old you, set a daily alarm three times a day so you remember that you worked so hard to get where you are. Good job getting to your goal wait. Don't go all the way to the end of the race and not cross the finish line. You got this!
  • focusedonfuturefitness
    You've come too far to stop tracking now! Don't let hours of tracking be for nothing! Tracking has gotten you this far and will get you to your, but giving up tracking won't. You got this!