

  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Quit eating processed cereals 2 meals a day?

    The best advice.

  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    My "go-to" breakfast (read quick, easy, portable & fulling) is 1 cup cottage cheese (full fat) w/ 1 cup frozen berries (black, blue, raspberry) for 303 calories, 29g carb(37%), 25g protein (33%) and 10g fat (30%).

    Lunch is usually a turkey wrap w/ spinach, tomotoes, black beans & garbanzo beans (for added protein and fiber) w/ balsamic vinegar dressing for about 440-500 cals.

    Dinner is 4-6oz lean protein with green/yellow veggies for about 500 calories. If I still need protein at the end of the day, I have a protein shake with frozen banana and berries as dessert (about 360 cals).

    That's about 1600-1700 cals a day, and I am rarely hungry.
  • Ann_Marie_2x_MORE
    Ann_Marie_2x_MORE Posts: 68 Member
    Keep some raw veggies around to snack on. Snap peas, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots - 4 cups of that is only around 200 calories, and with that you'll be getting a bunch of the nutrients your body is craving.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Are you eating 1 serving for cereal (about 3/4 cup) or 1 BOWL of cereal? A bowl of cereal is easily 2-3 servings.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    What you eat in peanut butter I have for lunch. A wrap with a whole grain tortilla, a couple tablespoons of hummus, chicken, and lettuce plus a bell pepper on the side is a lot more filling than three tablespoons of pb. Also I highly agree with the people advising a new cereal and skim milk.

    Edit: also (and this may be controversial) white potatoes are like the white bread of starchy vegetables. Your body processes them quickly leaving you hungry sooner. Just sayin.
  • RickyLuvsMary4ever
    RickyLuvsMary4ever Posts: 56 Member
    Check out my diary, I eat a lot.

    One thing I have learned, a calorie is not a calorie. Second thing is fat is your friend!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    What you eat in peanut butter I have for lunch. A wrap with a whole grain tortilla, a couple tablespoons of hummus, chicken, and lettuce and a bell pepper on the side is a lot more filling than three tablespoons of pb. Also I highly agree with the people advising a new cereal and skim milk.

    Agreed. My lunch the day before yesterday was a huge bowl of homemade chicken and vegie soup (with peas, carrots, potato, corn, broccoli, cauliflower and onion) and a piece of toast. 322 calories.

    Yesterday is was a big bowl of homemade "fried" rice with chicken and veg. 345 calories.
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Quit eating processed cereals 2 meals a day?

    ^^^^good start
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Pretty much what everyone else has already said - you might want to seriously consider replacing some of that cereal with more whole foods that have lots of protein and fiber to keep you fuller longer. I don't even bother eating cereal anymore because it's just not worth it to me. It's generally high in calories, a serving is a relatively small amount of food, and I feel hungry shortly after eating it. If you just really like eating cereal, then by all means, make room for it in your day. But adding in more fruits, vegetables, and proteins at every meal will definitely fill you up and allow you to eat a greater volume of food for fewer calories.

    I generally end up eating around 1700 calories a day after exercise, and if you plan it right, that can be a lot of food. As evidence, check out my profile picture. That salad is literally as big as my head. I top all that lettuce off with feta cheese, craisins, green onions, salad dressing, balsamic vinegar, and sunflower seeds and regularly eat it as one of my favorite meals. It's a lot of food to eat, and it's only about 600 calories.

    In my opinion, it's important to allow yourself to keep eating the foods that you like. But I think you'll find that if you tweak your food choices to include more nutrient rich, low calorie foods, you'll ultimately feel more satisfied overall, and you'll probably have some wiggle room for the occasional treat. :smile:
  • lovingbears2
    lovingbears2 Posts: 73 Member
    Hey, hon! I , too , am a pharmacist, and work 8 to 12 hour shifts. I ALWAYS eat a high protein breakfast, easiest one for me is eggbeaters as a very dense packed veggie omelet or as veggies scrambled into the eggs, sometimes with 3 slices of deli ham, or sometimes topped with salsa, etc.( I mix and match with different veggies, i.e., fresh spinach, mushrooms, red peppers, onions, green peppers, whatever you like, as well as different Mrs Dash spices to change the taste also. ) You HAVE to make time in the morning for breakfast, and it makes a HUGE difference when it is high protein and fiber with the veggies. If you are just not hungry when leaving for work, put it into a multi-grain wrap and take it with you.

    Take a PACKED lunch ( I have a lunch box with room for an icepack so have my "refrigerator" with me). Not sure what you have available, but we only have the pharmacy refrigerator available, and, of course, as YOU know, no food allowed, only medication. I pack a wrap with lots of lettuce,and/or tomato, or jarred red peppers on the grilled chicken or turkey slices or deli ham or make a tuna salad or imitation crab meat salad, again, lots of added celery, onion, etc ,and also have cut up fruits (great in the summer with sliced peaches/blueberries/strawberries/etc, etc choices!) Also can pack a babybel light mini cheese or string cheese. With these choices, you are getting the fiber, protein, and are NOT going to be hungry.

    If you are as busy as we are, and no lunch time at all, with these, you can go and grab a bite here and there ( unless you are lucky enough to work for one of the companies that actually ALLOWS you to have a lunchbreak!)

    By the time I get home, I am usually too exhausted to eat, but I may have a greek yogurt and fruit mixed in, or I may be hungry and have , again, fiber, protein, get some calcium in with a glass of SKIM milk, etc, and some nights I may have popped popcorn, no butter added, or just a little drizzled on, depending on my sat fat and calories for the day.

    I agree with others that the puffed rice, because it is a simple carb, not a complex carb, is just not doing anything for you, and 2% milk is higher in calories than skim. If you don't like skim, change to 1.5% for 1 month, then 1% for 1 month, then even make your own 0.5% (half and half) for 1 month, then finally skim. It actually works, as I NEVER thought I would drink skim, and now any others with a higher fat content almost taste like elmer's glue to me, and I hate the fatty coating it puts in my mouth now. Ditto on the peanut butter, as 300 calories for only getting 3 tablespoons was definitely not going to be very filling. An entire omelet is less than that, and so much more satisfying.

    I am NOT hungry, ANY day, and I am only getting 1350 calories per day allowance, and staying just under 1350 every day very comfortably for several months now.

    Hope some of these ideas help!
  • russbittles
    Seriously, take a look at my food diary. Whole grains, full of fiber. Proteins. Fruits and Veggies, full of fiber. Proteins. Healthy fats. Oh yeah, proteins and fiber. I wonder if I've made my point?

    Lots of water! When water is added to fiber, the fiber swells, thus filling you up!

    Quit eating cereals. There is almost NO nutritive value in them. Well, maybe Kashi cereals, but I'm not a fan of those.

    Also, try reducing your milk and milk product intake. Human beings are the only animals on the planet that feel the need to continue ingesting milk products after pubescence. Digestive systems really aren't designed to handle it. I'm not saying give it up completely, but it's liquid fat, and not the good kind. Small doses.

    Someone else mentioned potatoes. Those things are actually pretty bad for you. They're like the wonder bread of roots. The skins are full of nutrients, the rest, is something on which to put unhealthy toppings.

    Most days, I'm scrambling to find calories, unless I eat out at a restaurant (processed foods, hello!), not because I'm starving, but because I can't seem to find enough in my meals! Today, I ate English style breakfast biscuits (read "cookies") with Nutella on them just to add some calories to my day.

    Edited for spelling and grammar, because I care about that stuff.
  • OatmealFreak
    OatmealFreak Posts: 4 Member
    It sounds like your really trying to eat healthy which is great. I dont know if you just started this diet and dont have any fruits or veggies, but you definetly should get those. Top problems i see with what your eating is:
    1 rice krispies, though they sound lite, are sugary and not at all filling.
    2. Chicken tenders usually have unnecessary calories.
    3. I recommened no fat milk since its basically (especially just for cereals) the same taste as 2%
    Good luck! Please keep posting your results. Sorry if its dscouraging to hear all this feedback about what you need to fix, but we just want to help!

    Btw: eat something filling but low in kcals if your hungry like yogurt. Tomorrow can always be better.
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I think that protein and fiber foods would have filled you up. even a handful of almonds will help. also i haven't tried this but someone said eggs (like a boiled egg) make you feel full.
  • Skinnyjeans007
    Skinnyjeans007 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, I want you to breathe. I am in your corner. If you are using your journal do some research. You eat three meals per day, right? You are lacking sustainable food. Do you make time for meals? I plan my food for the week, I make sure there is variety. Snacks. fruit, nuts, popcorn, raw vegetables. My caloric intake is less than 1700. I am never hungry. I've been on this journey since May 1st. I am down 30 lbs. , ten to go. My journal and Gary have kept me on track. I would love to be a motivating buddy, Hope to hear from you.

  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    Just curious what you set your goals to as well. Your profile says you have 110 lbs you want to lose, yet you're at a 1700 calorie diet. Perhaps you should set an easier to maintain goal.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Throw out the rice crispies. Eat something with fiber and protein instead. Swap out the 2% milk for unsweetened almond milk to save a bunch of calories (only 30 calories a cup). Eat a bunch of veggies - have some fruits and berries.

    Seriously most cereal just leaves me starving an hour later. I do eat Kashi and load it up with berries and/or bananas and have it with the almond milk occasionally and that's usually okay but it has fiber and protein unlike rice crispies and other kid's cereals.
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    Ok... my cals are set at 1700. Today for breakfast I had ONE BOWL of rice krispies with 2% milk. For lunch I had 3 grilled chicken tenders, a baked potato, some salad and a slice of toast. For supper I had 2 more bowls of rice krispies with 2% milk and about 3 tablespoons of peanut butter. I know it probably sounds like a lot but it's NOT especially when you are on your feet working all day at the local pharmacy! I am over and I know it! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hungry now!!!! ANY TIPS????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Eat lots of protein, ditch the cereal:)


    1st GOAL: 100kg (6JUN13)
    13.2kg lost / 22.2kg to go
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Protein = chicken breast, tuna, egg whites, string cheese, crab fingers, fish, etc.
    Fiber = beans, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, fruits, etc.

    These will keep you satiated much, much longer than cereal! And this is the healthy stuff. Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Determined518
    Determined518 Posts: 138 Member
    When you eat things with a lot of processed sugar, your body absorb the food very quickly. I saw throw the cereal in the garbage, replace it with oatmeal.

    Delicious oatmeal:
    Add peanut butter
    and cranberries

    Nutrient rich and easy. Also get enough GOOD fats. Like avocado for example.

    I had pancakes and eggs for breakfast, salad with one whole avocado for lunch and had to force myself to eat a ham sandwich for dinner. The good fats are great. :)
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    like others have said, you need to lay off the processed foods. Oatmeal rather than rice krispies would stay with you better. More substantial. RK is like eating air. it doesn't stay with you, and OF COURSE you're hungry.

    eat more "good food", less "stuff"