Not New, But First Time Posting In Community

Hi everyone, so my name is Liz. 26 year old college student and veterinary assistant. No kids, although I did suffer a second trimester miscarriage a little under 6 years ago. Starting weight was 230 lbs, I started seriously cracking down on my calories and exercise in November and am down to 180 lbs. My goal weight is 125-130 lbs. My biggest fear with a 100 lb weight loss is lose skin or being forever stuck with the mothers apron that I started developing when I hit 160 lbs... I feel like even after a 50 lb weight loss it doesn't look any smaller. Would love to hear success stories of such a large weight loss without experiencing the loose skin! (and what did you do about that darn apron?!)


  • LizzieGirl2015
    LizzieGirl2015 Posts: 12 Member
    edited June 2017
    I should explain I mentioned the no kids thing because when I got pregnant I was 190 and the depression of the miscarriage caused everything to shoot up to 230 lbs.