Is it possible?

First, let me start by saying that I'm sorry if this is in the wrong area.

Secondly, I understand I may need to provide more info, but I'm not sure what kind, so I'll wait until I get a few responses.

Okay, so back in my later high school years, I always weighed around 135 pounds. I'm still the same height and 8 years later.. I still wear a lot of the same clothes. (Yeah, yeah, I'm and ol' fogie!)

Anyways, when I started college, I lived off Ramen and my appetite shrunk around 5,000%. (Exaggeration not admitted.) I still gained weight however, due to the bad nutrition and sedentary lifestyle, of course. Then, after gaining 10-15 pounds, I got married and started living an even unhealthier lifestyle. Won't bore you with the details, but after 5 years of marriage, I now weigh between 170 and 180.

Here's my problem.. for whatever reason, I got it into my head that I can't resort back to my 135 pounds. I'm not sure when I got this idea or what exactly contributed, but I'm so positive that I have never set my sight back onto it. I've even set my goal here to be 145 instead. Perhaps because I spent all of college at that weight? Maybe I just see myself as being 'big-boned'?

I keep looking at other people's goals. People who weigh much, much more than me and certainly seem to be much taller.... Yet their goals are more ambitious than 145. I know not all people are the same, but ....... as the title says... is it possible?

I'm wondering if I should set my goal to 135, and if I have reason to believe it's possible. How do I know if it is or isn't?

Insight and... well, -evidence-... or convincing arguments would be... awesome. I don't want to set my goal to 135 and internally believe it's not possible. That seems counter-intuitive.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    It is definitely possible for you to get back to 135, it takes hard work and you have to track everything you eat and set up proper macros, but there's no doubt in my mind that 135 is an attainable goal for you, especially if that used to be your weight.
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    Let me tell you what I'd like to do.

    I'm going to set my ultimate goal at 150 (an average weight for my height). If I look too skinny, I'll gain a little. If I think I can keep going and still look healthy, I'll lose 5 more pounds. I will continue this until I look healthy to me.

    Sure numbers are important, but bodies are very individualized.
  • jess6742
    jess6742 Posts: 146
    It's totally possible. I've lost 30 pounds. I weigh way less than what I did in college and I'm even smaller than what I was in high school. My biggest advice don't make any drastic crazy changes. Make small changes that you will be able to stick to for the rest of your life. The weight may come off slower but it's well worth it in the long run.
  • Singelli
    Singelli Posts: 40 Member
    It is definitely possible for you to get back to 135, it takes hard work and you have to track everything you eat and set up proper macros, but there's no doubt in my mind that 135 is an attainable goal for you, especially if that used to be your weight.

    But see, I know nothing about staying fit and all that. I don't even know what a macro is, though I've seen the word tossed around. I'm not sure why I just believe so strongly that I can't.

    Oh, I did forget (if it matters) that I'm 5'3" or 5'4". I'm also very uh... well... very well endowed, unfortunately. I can't help but feel that my figure is something making the goal seem unattainable.
    Let me tell you what I'd like to do.

    I'm going to set my ultimate goal at 150 (an average weight for my height).

    Well, according to BMI standards, I'm technically obese. But I wouldn't even consider myself close to obese....
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    Started my lifestyle change January 2012. I was 415 pounds. By August 2012 I was 245 pounds. I lifted weights, religiously rode my bicycle, ate skinless chicken and or fish every single day with 1 cheat-day a month. Long story short, yes it is possible but you have to be dedicated.
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm not being at all flippant when I ask, "Why does it matter?" Let me explain. Whether you have your number set at 145 or 135 or 125, you need to take the same steps to get down the next 5 lbs, right? Just get yourself moving, eating well, feeling better, etc. As you have success, keep going. Have more success! The exact weight you get down to will depend on lots of things, including how fit you are. A muscular 145 is likely going to be smaller than a 135 who doesn't exercise anyway, so just get going and evaluate once you get close.
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    It might be possible. It might not. Throw yourself at it and find out.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    It can be done. I have been out of high school & married for 12 years now. I have also had 5 kids. I am smaller now than I was in high school. It takes hard work and dedication. Don't try to jump into the hardest workout program you can find. Start off small. Just move! Take a walk several times a week and work your way up to other things. Don't starve yourself that will only mess up your body. Try to eat as healthy as possible(I understand having to make do with what you have). It will not happen over night, it takes time, but you CAN do it!!
  • CaLaurie
    CaLaurie Posts: 178

    But see, I know nothing about staying fit and all that. I don't even know what a macro is, though I've seen the word tossed around. I'm not sure why I just believe so strongly that I can't

    Stick around. Read. Research. I didn't know a darn thing and now I'm fascinated by it all. Doesn't mean I necessarily do it well or consistently, but knowledge is power. If you're absolutely convinced you can't make it to 135, don't drive yourself batty trying to figure out why - maybe just change your goal - measurements instead? Fitness level? A specific weight doesn't need to be the goal.

    Edit: ooops, that first part was supposed to be a quote.
  • rmcnaull
    rmcnaull Posts: 9 Member
    You sound a lot like me...I was also 135 all through college. I gained and lost 30 pounds but put 40 lbs back on in the last 5 yrs : ( It is totally possible to go back! You will just look that much more amazing than when you were in college when you hit you goal weight with tricked out muscles. Granted the lower you go, the more you'll need to focus on maintaning when you get there but you'll know when you meet your goal. It just might be 145 or you might reach that point and say to heck with it I'm not done and I'm going for it! We can do it! Here we come 135!!
  • Singelli
    Singelli Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you guys so much for all the support! I loved reading your feedback, and it's been greatly encouraging to me! I'm thinking of setting my goal back down to that 135, though I'd like to be fit too. I might take CaLaurie's advice for changing my goal to measurements. However, I have absolutely no idea how even to begin in that field.....

    And his_kid1, I know that it might not seem to matter all that much. I'll simply leave it at the fact that I'm very OCD. I'm afraid that if I set my sights on 145, I'm going to do all I can to stay there, and never dream for more. But if I set my goal for 135, the same will be true for 135. I also didn't want to set my goal for 135 and not be able to meet my goal physically. That would be super frustrating and demotivating!

    Maybe someone can give me insight on how to set measurement goals? I have no idea where even to start thinking about it.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    I am 5'4" and started off at over 250 pounds. I kept thinking "I will never reach ___" I started my goal at being 175. Got there and decided, well 15 more pounds... Got there and though, I was 140 that looked good, and set it to 140. now, I am just under 140 and have stopped caring what I weight, as long as I keep taking steps to get healthier and be the best version of myself I can be.

    Regardless of what you set your goal to on here, you can always change your mind :drinker:

    ETA: my current goal is set to 129, based off my REAL goal of BF%
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    If it helps at all, my thought was just to get to high school weight to see if I even could. I'm smaller now then I was before high school. You can do it, but do you want it bad enough? The older we get the harder it is. But you can surely do it.

    This after isn't recent but it's close... 11 lbs different then where I am now but I was pretty fresh out of high school, no kids.
