How often do you dine out? For lunch? For dinner?



  • sblackwell509
    sblackwell509 Posts: 8 Member
    I was eating out waaaaay too much. Probably 4-5 times a week! My goal is to lose 20 lbs, and this is my first week of all healthy home cooked meals and I already have more energy.
    Eating out for me was just easy and convenient. You don't feel like cooking when you get home from work, so I have been cooking all my meals the day before that will last me the entire day. It has helped tremendously! I may resort to eating out once a week for a cheat meal, but we will see!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Usually once or twice every couple of weeks. We'll actually be going out for lunch today and dinner this evening...but my wife an I are also going out on a 30 mile date ride today.
  • blackcars7411
    blackcars7411 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't eat out at all
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member

    And the macros aren't bad on this for about 600 calories
  • WilliamAndersonLMHC
    WilliamAndersonLMHC Posts: 117 Member
    I have Wendy's chilli daily because I can't even make it for less than it costs to buy it and the macros are beautiful

    And only 270 calories!
  • WilliamAndersonLMHC
    WilliamAndersonLMHC Posts: 117 Member

    And the macros aren't bad on this for about 600 calories

    Looks great, but a bit heavy for lunch for me. The 600 would be fine for my dinner, but a hamburg is just not my idea of dinner! I'm old-fashioned and like the traditional dinner plate with meat, starch and veg at the end of the day!

    However, that 600 Wendy's meal surprised me. Good find!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited June 2017
    I do homemade burgers for dinner on occasion (on rare occasion on a dinner out, but normally I'd rather use excess calories on something else and like my at home burgers as much for so many fewer calories, but 600 is not a lot -- the places I'd get a burger, local pub, for example, are surely much more and I would get fries so do it rarely).

    Anyway, for me the burger fits the protein/veg/starch template which I followed until doing low carb too (for lunch as well as dinner, although I'd switch starch with fruit sometimes). Burger, bun (whole grain, not that it makes a big difference), vegetables (perhaps salad too). (The meal pictured fits that template too -- salad=veg, bun=starch, meat=protein.) Since I am not a huge bun person, I'd often do burger patty, roasted potatoes, vegetables. We'd also switch it up by doing a tuna steak on a bun with pickled vegetables (spicy), plus salad and veg sometimes.

    Also, for me lunch and dinner are about the same calories unless it's a restaurant night.
  • Jamie23049
    Jamie23049 Posts: 16 Member
    It's been years since I ate out at a restaurant or anything like that
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I almost never eat out, can't remember the last time I did and it's simply because finding a place that has a menu that accommodates me (I'm a vegetarian with celiac disease) and my picky children is just about impossible. I know of one restaurant where I can eat, but I'm not so sure that my kids would enjoy the menu offerings, and it's rather expensive.

    It would be an indulgence to go there, and would be a date night thing for my husband and I and I really would not care about the calories at that point.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited June 2017
    Whenever it suits my fancy. I continue dropping pounds while eating out so why not.

    Same here. Ultimately it's not going to the restaurant, but the choices I make while at said restaurant that determines how I manage my weight. I've found that I can easily gain weight on my own cooking, as I am a pretty good cook (if I do say so myself). I've also lost weight eating out frequently, too.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Depends how busy I am. Usually I'll eat out for dinner and lunch a few times per week. If I'm regally busy at work then it could be everyday. There are plenty of places with healthy options by me. I rarely eat fast food.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited June 2017
    Every Friday dinner and most Friday lunches.

    My husband and I try to have a weekly lunch date on Friday. We tend to go for sushi - which includes miso soup and a salad for starters. If I pick the right thing, I can keep the calories below 600 for the meal. The highest calorie choice I'd make works out to just under 900 calories - more than I'd like to spend on lunch usually but still fits my budget as long as I cut down dramatically on snacking calories that day. I try not to make that choice very often.

    Friday dinner we take the kids somewhere. Usually Fatburger. A lettuce wrapped cheeseburger (no mayo) comes in at less than 400 calories and is yummy. As long as I wasn't too indulgent at lunch, that means I can afford to eat the fries that come with it (which is a small portion because I'm eating off their "value menu") though I usually only eat half the fries.

    We sometimes eat out for Sunday lunch too, but I have a nice safe choice at a local restaurant - club sandwich minus the cheese and middle toast; Greek salad, dressing on the side (or soup instead of salad if the daily soup choice sounds yummy).
  • sophie7591
    sophie7591 Posts: 78 Member
    A few times per week. Usually just subway or Wendy's. Wendy's has awesome salads. I'm consistently losing.
  • Muana1005
    Muana1005 Posts: 172 Member
    Every day all three meals and snacks when at work. When at home I cook all three from scratch.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,023 Member
    I eat lunch "out" almost every day I travel to the office (more from fast-casual places that I carry back to the office, sometimes from food trucks, sometimes plated or buffet lunches at events I have to attend), which was a lot more often when I lost the bulk of my weight than it is now, as I telecommute several days a week (not on a regular schedule, so the number of days varies). I usually have one or two meals "out" on the weekend as well. I probably only go to a regular full-service restaurant a couple of times a month on average, and that would include brew pubs and sports bars as well as "fine dining."

    I don't find that eating out that often creates problems for sticking with my calorie goals. It's more problematic for multi-day trips when every meal is eaten out, especially since I'd rather eat at places I can't eat at home (i.e., no national chains).

    elphie754 wrote: »
    There is only restaurant I can eat out at, soot is a rare event. Due to allergies, I am pretty much bound to always making my own food at home.

    To be 100% honest, the fact you keep mentioning clients rubs me the wrong way. Might be benificial not to always mention them. It could just be me though.

    I had a similar reaction -- I felt as though the OP is trying to make "an appeal to authority" argument (in this case, the authority being himself) that it's bad to eat out. I mean, yes, the OP asks what we do, but I hesitated to even respond, because he seemed to already have drawn a conclusion based on his experience with clients, so it felt like maybe any response from someone with a different experience wouldn't be welcome.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I go out to brunch (my favorite meal) about once a week. I also travel out of the country several days each month and I eat out those days. I order out (pizza) and eat in about once a month.