Cat lovers?!



  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm too much of a techno-tard to post pictures but my husband and I have cats and a dog. The dog is an Australian Cattle Dog named Outback ... because ... as a rescue doggy ... someone found her in their field "out back" ... and since she's Australian ... well ... what else could we name her? Our *current* kitties are Spike, a blonde striped tabby that is 17 years old and a big *dope* that we love to pieces (I had his mama in the past); Pandora, a perky happy friendly little striped tabby/California Speckled mix with a lot of energy who is approximately 11; and Talulah, an approximately 6 year old extremely moody, spoiled, yet very loyal to her owners Russian Blue. My daughter has one of Talulah's babies that was rescued along with Talulah that is a black female named Luna. Her boyfriend has a female tuxedo cat name Faye that likes to play fetch with bottle caps (and yes, he taught her to retrieve them and bring them back). Spike's mama (Tabu) was a rescued pregnant kitty (we kept some of the babies and some were given away). Her name was Tabu, and she was a small blonde striped tabby that was one of the most cranky cats ever but we loved her anyway. The babies we kept were Chewie, Bandit, Spike, and Ewok (because she looked like an Ewok, that's why). Their personalities were all over the place. Right now we have a feral mama and baby we're trying to catch to bring to the shelter before mama has another litter of kittens out in the forest. We live in the Sierra foothills away out in the country where coyotes, mountain lions, and bears roam at night. We bring in our animals, but the feral kitties are the hardest to catch and they tend to end up with a rough & very short life. We think some dumb person let them loose in the country and they found us. We've tentatively named them in the meantime as Ranger (mama) because she ranges all over the place and Silver Bullet (baby) because it's a silver striped tabby. We've had as many as 8 cats of our own. The best cat we ever ever had was Meower, a big black love of a male cat that was the kind of cat everyone should have and that died just a few years ago at the age of 18 1/2. He grew up with my kids. He allowed them to play dress up with him and he stayed by their sides when they were sick.

    However, suffice it to say that yes, my husband and I love our animals ... and in particular our kitties ... all of whom were rescued.



  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    If I wasn't in a serious, long-term (10-year) relationship, and had my 5 cats, I'd be considered the cat lady. LOL My boyfriend and I have 5 cats (of course, not on purpose).

    Here's Jasmine, who will be 8 in October. She likes having her head scratched.


    And this is Marble (left) with Oxford (right). We got Marble and Jasmine at the same time - on purpose, in Dec 2005. He'll be 8 in October as well.


    And then we adopted Targét from PetsMart when he was about 9 months old. He's 7 years old now. This one will lick you to death.


    And in July 2009, we took in 2 brothers that were dumped by a local resident in our apartment building complex when they were just 8-10 weeks old. The poor babies. This is Oxford - our bobtail. He's 4 years old now and THE SWEETEST cat ever!


    And his brother, Bailey, who's also 4.


    And I managed to lure them into a picture together (with treats of course).

  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    This is my buddy Thomas. I adopted him from a no-kill shelter where he'd been for 3 years - he was 7 yrs old when I adopted him and now he's about 10. He always has this kind of worried look on his face.....

  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    Here's my almost 10 year old little lady. We got her when she was a tiny 5 weeks old and all ears. Her name is Tackle but we call her Goobs.

    This is Jack aka Jack-o-potomus because he weighs almost 20lbs. He has got to be the weirdest cat I have ever met in my life!! You can do anything you want to him and he never fights back but has the energy level of a kitten. We call him "special"

    And I can't leave out my other baby...Maximus the Wonder Beagle. Don't you just want to fuzzy his little face!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I have a solid black yellow-eyed she-demon named after the Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba. She's old and cranky and mean, but I've had her since she was a tiny baby, and I love her.

    She likes to hide in the shadows where no one can see her, get tripped over, then give us dirty looks, as if we purposely tried to attack her in the dark. :laugh: Idiot.

    I too have a solid black yellow-eyed Devil named Artemis (after the master assasin Artemis Entreri from a sci-fi novel book series) and he lives up to his namesakes profession as he loves hiding in corners and dark stairs. Many a time I have tripped on him and missed falling. He's pretty grouchy now that he's 12 years old but I love him anyway

    ETA: naturally his favorite place to nap is a black leather chair where he blends in perfectly and has been sat on numerous times!

    I had a grouchy mean black cat also. She passed last winter at 19 years old. She was mean as hell right to the end.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member

    His name is Toby. He's 10 and licks all the fur off of his stomach. I adore him. ;_;
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Cat sees owner after 6 month leave: it.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    FYI, my mom hated cats, dad talked her into getting us one. Sam I am (named by us kids) was fed fresh liver and shrimp and he slept with my mom, LOL.

    They seem to be really good at picking out and converting the people who hate them most. lol
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member


    Hope the pics work .....Sam (black and white) & Dean. I :heart: cats.


    (Dean looks like my Fudge, I can't post pics from work)

    Ha ha , yep ! Because they are brothers :love:

    Supernatural FTW!

    One of mine is named Castiel. :happy:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Just saw this thread :) Excited to read through it!

    Here is my adorable Lucy-Fur.
    When she was just a kitten....



    And more recently....




    EDIT: How do you put in photos?

    only just done it myself , but change the IMG to img and you should be good.

    Just seeing if I can fix these...

    can't do anything about the size, but here you go. Cute babies.
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member


    Hope the pics work .....Sam (black and white) & Dean. I :heart: cats.


    (Dean looks like my Fudge, I can't post pics from work)

    Ha ha , yep ! Because they are brothers :love:

    Supernatural FTW!

    One of mine is named Castiel. :happy:

    Awesome name for a cat :smile:
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member

    Just seeing if I can fix these...

    can't do anything about the size, but here you go. Cute babies.

    Adorable !
  • kzakian
    kzakian Posts: 45 Member
    I am a cat lover! I have an adorable cat called Pistachio. He's 3 years old and I've had him for about a year. Pictures do not do his cuteness justice though ;)



    Hope the pics work - first time trying to post.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member

    FYI, my mom hated cats, dad talked her into getting us one. Sam I am (named by us kids) was fed fresh liver and shrimp and he slept with my mom, LOL.

    They seem to be really good at picking out and converting the people who hate them most. lol

    The best was my Aunt she hated cats, so we had to keep Sammy in one part of the house, but there 5 kids in the house going back and forth, well Sammy got out and guess where he went, yep right under my Aunt's chair. She raised her legs straight and gripped the arms of the chair and with the Long Island Jewish accents screamed "Zita, oh my god Zita help!!!" it was hysterical!!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    They seem to be really good at picking out and converting the people who hate them most. lol

    The best was my Aunt she hated cats, so we had to keep Sammy in one part of the house, but there 5 kids in the house going back and forth, well Sammy got out and guess where he went, yep right under my Aunt's chair. She raised her legs straight and gripped the arms of the chair and with the Long Island Jewish accents screamed "Zita, oh my god Zita help!!!" it was hysterical!!

    I'm laughing just thinking about this. :laugh:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Supernatural FTW!

    One of mine is named Castiel. :happy:

    Awesome name for a cat :smile:

    I was going to call him Casper originally.. because he's white and fluffy.. but then I realized I was going to probably always be calling him "Cass", and then I knew what his name SHOULD be. :bigsmile:
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    I love kitties - they're so cute and cuddly and I want to pet them and hold them all day long and I wish I had one...however...I am also HORRIBLY allergic!! So no kitties for me. :( But I do like all the cute pictures I'm seeing on this thread.

    I mean, why couldn't I be like allergic to...buffalo? I don't want a buffalo as a pet.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i love cats!! who wants to exchange recipes?
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member

    Supernatural FTW!

    One of mine is named Castiel. :happy:

    Awesome name for a cat :smile:

    I was going to call him Casper originally.. because he's white and fluffy.. but then I realized I was going to probably always be calling him "Cass", and then I knew what his name SHOULD be. :bigsmile:

    Good call!
  • RockClimber69
    RockClimber69 Posts: 82 Member
    Finally home on my computer!

    Professor Xavier: babyxavier4.jpg


    Amelia Bedelia: Picture005.jpg


    Chewy: chewy_zps7fd1f612.jpg


    Hans: hans.jpg


    Kitties AND a GSD!! Awesome!