Bye-Bye Baby Weight

Cas_Wells Posts: 22 Member
Hey ladies!!!

This is the FIRST time in 5 years my husband and I will not be planning to get pregnant again. We have four little men under four and my body has been through the literal ringer. It's been CHAOS!!

That means, this year I will ACTUALLY be making it a goal to say BYE BYE BABY WEIGHT for good!!! I want my "normal" body back (not that I even know what that means!)

I'm looking for mommas who want to join - you don't have to be "done" having kids haha just want to get rid of the weight you put on during pregnancy.

How about it?

My stats:

Throughout my 4 pregnancies I put on 80 lbs (YIKES


  • Cas_Wells
    Cas_Wells Posts: 22 Member

    My last baby bump picture
  • Cas_Wells
    Cas_Wells Posts: 22 Member
    Stats in quick form:

    Weight before having baby: 230
    Current weight: 208
    Goal weight: 150 (ish)

    :# Let's see how this goes!!!
  • tandypo35
    tandypo35 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Just had our 3rd kiddo 11 weeks ago.

    Before baby was born: 273
    Current weight: 250
    Goal weight: 190

  • Cas_Wells
    Cas_Wells Posts: 22 Member
    tandypo35 wrote: »
    I'm in! Just had our 3rd kiddo 11 weeks ago.

    Before baby was born: 273
    Current weight: 250
    Goal weight: 190

    Yay!!! Let's do this!

    PS your baby bump = totally adorable <3

  • atroxnixfemina
    atroxnixfemina Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in! Baby #3 was earthside about 15 weeks ago, and we are done, done, done.

    It took 8 years to pack on, and will take a while to get off again, but I can do this!

    Highest weight: 256
    Current: about 230 (weigh in tomorrow)
    1st goal: 215
    2nd goal: 200
    3rd goal: 185
    4th goal: 170
    Final goal: 155

  • ashadams12
    ashadams12 Posts: 14 Member
    edited June 2017
    Having trouble posting for some reason, but I'm in also! My sons just turned 1 and 2, definitely time to lose the extra weight, having a lot of health problems and can't have more kids until I'm at a healthy weight!
    Highest weight: 250
    Current weight: 238
    Goal weight: 165
  • Cas_Wells
    Cas_Wells Posts: 22 Member
    Yay ladies :D

    I'm so excited to be on this journey together!!!

    It's Monday and so I figured we could kick off today.

    Have you ladies been cleared for exercise? I'm only 1 week pp so it's walking and kegals for me for a bit lol :p
  • ashadams12
    ashadams12 Posts: 14 Member
    Yay! I'm starting T25 back up this week and hopefully a lot of walking and bike rides with the family if it's nice.
  • Cas_Wells
    Cas_Wells Posts: 22 Member
    ashadams12 wrote: »
    Yay! I'm starting T25 back up this week and hopefully a lot of walking and bike rides with the family if it's nice.

    Loved T25!!
  • Cas_Wells
    Cas_Wells Posts: 22 Member
    Do you ladies weigh in on Mondays?

    I did my weigh in this morning. Officially down 25ish from just before labour with A LOT TO GO.

    Today's weight : 205

    Let's have an awesome Monday!!!
  • ashadams12
    ashadams12 Posts: 14 Member
    That's awesome! Great job! That's how I was with my oldest son, but the weight after my youngest has been so stubborn!
  • ashadams12
    ashadams12 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok for some reason the end of my messages keep getting cut off, do you have that problem? I weighed in at 242 today, gained 4 from last week
  • HeatherTemplet
    HeatherTemplet Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm in... we are gonna try for baby # 2 soon but I have to lose the weight so that I can get pregnant.
    Weight before having baby: 220
    Current weight: 258
    Goal weight: 180
  • Cas_Wells
    Cas_Wells Posts: 22 Member
    ashadams12 wrote: »
    Ok for some reason the end of my messages keep getting cut off, do you have that problem? I weighed in at 242 today, gained 4 from last week

    Mine do that too - at least on mobile. Weird

  • meldjk44
    meldjk44 Posts: 28 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm in! I am not sure if we are done having kids, but for now we are just fine with my son,. he is 15 months. highest weight was 195, starting weight for this journey was 167.5lbs. current weight 160, I am down 7lbs! Goal weight will be about 130-ishh... I just started watching my calorie intake and I signed up for kickboxing classes that I have been going to 3 days a week and I LOVE it.
  • sabinaholtby
    sabinaholtby Posts: 73 Member
    I started this journey in Feb. We have 2, a 2.5 yo and almost 1yo. I was 169 at my first appt with my toddler and 179 at the first with my baby. I got down to 180 then got stuck. So counting calories started in Feb and in currently 164! I'm proud, and my final goal is 141, the top of healthy BMI for my height.

    Weigh ins and challenges seen to stress me out, but I'd love to hang out and chat it up!

    Anyone breastfeeding?

    I'm starting to get baby fever again and a women a church had a dream I had triplets (!!!). So now, in focusing on building up my vitamin and fat stores, I feel depleted and want to be ready for the next baby, if the Lord wills. Does anyone know anything about nourushing I'm still counting calories and losing weight too.

    Does anyone know anything about nourushing my body in this season? I'd love love help with that.
  • rohksie
    rohksie Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm in!! I think we are done with kids for now, 6yo, 20mo, and a 6mo old. The last 2 were so close together my body just never recovered. I am exclusively breastfeeding so hungry all the time and no breastfeeding did not help me shake the weight. Why can't I be one of those unicorns. Anyway highest weight was 198, dropped to 180 currently 172.
    1st goal 165
    2nd 155
    3rd 145
    Ultimate goal is 140
  • 826_Midazaslam
    826_Midazaslam Posts: 67 Member
    Ill join! I've got 20 month old twins and a 8 month old.

    All done with kiddos.

    Pre baby: 160lbs
    CW: 260lbs
    GW: 135lbs
  • agweaver1109
    agweaver1109 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! My son (my first child) just turned 6 months old.

    Before Pregnancy: 125 lbs
    At Delivery: 180 lbs
    6 weeks PP: 165 lbs
    6 months PP: 155 lbs
    Goal: 130 - 135 lbs - more specifically, be in a size 8 again; right now I'm a size 12

    This was at 9 weeks, the day I graduated from college.


    This picture was the day I was due. I ended up going a week over.


    And it's frustrating! I've been trying this since he turned 2 months old, and nothing seems to work. I breastfed for 3 months, I cut way back on the eating - some days, all I would have for the entire day was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - and I walk all the time. Still nothing. The only thing that halfway worked was a water diet - I drank 2 32 oz glasses of fruit-infused water for 3 weeks, but I only dropped about 2 inches, no pounds. It's...disheartening.
  • Cas_Wells
    Cas_Wells Posts: 22 Member
    @meldjk44 I hear ya.

    You don't have to be done, just fine with carrying the baby weight (for now).

    I used to love kickboxing!!!! What an excellent total body workout!! <3 Do you go with a friend?