Dealing with PMS and PCOS

How do other people deal with their PMS cravings? I do great with eating and staying close to 1200 to 1400 calories (I'm new to MFP but have been tracking my food for the past month or so) until I get to the week of PMS. Yesterday, I had 3 slices of veggie lovers Pizza Hut pizza, not all at one time, but throughout the day. And then I had a huge sugar craving, like I always do during this time of the month, and ate two pastries. Now I feel like I blew it. How do I control these cravings? It's like I'm a bottomless pit for a week and then I'm back to eating well for the next three weeks. And I'm so tired during this time, like I just can't get enough rest. I drink no sugary drinks, only water and have for months.

I also have PCOS. I have been prescribed Metformin but can not take it. It makes my heart pound like crazy and makes me sleepy. And I'm just not a medication-type of person. I prefer losing weight the natural way. I have been working with a personal trainer and walking on the treadmill two days a week (these aren't wimpy work-outs, I come out soaked in sweat and sore for a day or two each time) for 5 weeks now. I also walk, do lunges, and squats a couple times a week. My clothes are fitting looser and I can tell that my legs are getting very toned, but the scale has NOT budged an ounce. I know in reality that I am probably losing inches/fat and developing lean muscle, but seeing no change in the scales is discouraging. I have only weighed myself twice in the past 6 weeks and both times, it has been the same as when I started working with the trainer. He told me that our workouts are burning around 600 to 900 calories each time we work out (twice a week).

I would be happy with a 30 pound/2 dress size loss, but it just doesn't seem like its going to happen. What gives here? Is it the PCOS or the PMS week that is keeping me from losing? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. I'll open my journal, so that can give an idea of how I've been eating. Thanks.

EDITED TO ADD: My trainer says that I should be losing weight if I eat around 1700 calories a day, but he didn't seem to think that 1200 to 1400 was a problem. MFP suggests 1200. Could I be getting too few calories on normal days (non-PMS days)?


  • amanstewa3
    amanstewa3 Posts: 60 Member
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    How I solved cravings is to ban sweets from the house. If it isn't there, I'm not thinking about it.

    Same with pizza.:smile:
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I also become a bottomless pit during PMS, I feel it starting today!
    The ideal is to not eat too much salty and junky foods, though I do give in a times.

    I just don't know of any cure, wish I did!
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    This is embarrassing but I am the same way. I deal with it by baking or buying treats and eating 1 or 2 and then I force my husband to hide them so I don't eat anymore. The kids and my hubby think it's hilarious, but honestly I can't stop at one that time of the month so it works for me. :embarassed:
  • CAMP30
    CAMP30 Posts: 17
    hi I also suffer from PCOS. I am sure you'll reach your fitness goals if you stick to what you are doing. I recommend giving at least once a week. let yourself have the piece of cake, or pizza. when PMS comes along do the same. It sounds like your able to work it off if your exercising that much. good luck. just an extra 2-300 cal not more.
  • amanstewa3
    amanstewa3 Posts: 60 Member
    Okay, I'm so glad it's not just me who deals with the PMS cravings. I discovered Mini-Moonpies yesterday. They are only 110 calories, I think it was, and satisfied the craving. Now if I can just keep from eating the entire box.....
  • amanstewa3
    amanstewa3 Posts: 60 Member
    Pizza is a terrible trigger-food for me. I'm surprised I only ate 3 slices. lol