Lost 93lbs now gaining?

Over the past 18mnths with MFP I've lost 93lbs by sticking to 1200 calories a day and eating back most if not all of my exercise calories. Gone from 237lbs to 143lbs. I'm 5'4".

I do a lot of exercise - swimming 4x a week (2.5km each time), gym with trainer twice a week and C25k 3x a week.

For the past two weeks I've suddenly gained to 145lbs - not much but an unusual amount. It is ovulation time but usually I only gain for one week then lose it.

Is this the downside of getting close to goal (125lbs) and I need to eat less exercise calories? Should I take a diet break (I try to only go over my calories at Easter, Christmas and my birthday)?

Diary is open. Thanks!


  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    A heavy workout session can raise my weight by at least 1 kg. Happens all the time, now I'm at maintenance and exercising a lot.

    Are you logging your weight daily on a tracking app that evens out the average like Happy Scale or trendweight.com?
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    A heavy workout session can raise my weight by at least 1 kg. Happens all the time, now I'm at maintenance and exercising a lot.

    Are you logging your weight daily on a tracking app that evens out the average like Happy Scale or trendweight.com?

    Yeah I'm using Happy Weight and the graph looks like a rollercoaster! But haven't changed my exercise routine for a while and suddenly I've gained for two weeks consecutively.
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    2lbs in a short period of time is likely water weight!

    Make sure your tracking is 100% and you'll be ok. In my opinion 18 months without a diet break means it's probably time for 1-4 weeks at maintenance.

    Thanks. Will consider a diet break but it seems counterintuitive to eat more to lose!
  • mecoconleche
    mecoconleche Posts: 86 Member
    A diet break is mostly beneficial psychologically, and prevents burn out. Strongly recommended to take it, you will have to eat more food eventually; why not get used to your new maintenance?