Need advice

Hi , I'm 5'6" 136 lbs 21.9BMI . I dance a lot and keep hurting myself due to not stretching enough and not strengthening my core and glutes.
I will be 49 this July and and my long term goal is to transform by body by next year when I turn 50. I would like to be lean and strong and eating clean by then .

I need help figuring out what is the right amount of calories and macros I should be consuming to attain my goal. As for workout, I'm still in physical therapy working on my IT band to get me back moving normal and pain free. So I'm only using resistance bands at the moment .

Any advice would be greatly appreciated .


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    You should be able to plug in your info and have mfp calculate it for you.
  • fitand50inSD
    fitand50inSD Posts: 166 Member
    I am 51, 5'7" and have gone from 145 to 129 since the end of March. I am on 1500 calories per day with approximately 40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carbs (give or take). I lift weights 5 days a week and generally get in a 2-3 mile walk most days of the week. Over the last few weeks I have done a refeed day where I am adding an extra 130 grams of carbs (about 500 calories). Not sure if your body would respond the same way, but it is defintely working for me.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,803 Member
    Personally, I shoot for
    • 0.6-0.8g protein per pound of healthy goal weight, minimum, spread through the day
    • 0.35-0.45g fat per pound of healthy goal weight, minimum (as much of it as practical from healthy sources, such as nuts, olive oil, avocados, etc.), some with each meal
    • bare minimum of 5 servings daily of varied, colorful fruits and veggies, and usually 10+ servings

    Carbs just fall where they may, to fit my calorie goal. I set my MFP macro percents so they give me close to the target gram values, at base NEAT (pre-exercise) calories, but in practice eat to my gram targets.

    Calorie goal will take some experimenting. I suggest setting up MFP with accurate profile values for you, then eating to that target for a month (6 weeks if a premenopausal woman). Ignore the first couple of weeks (water weight may fluctuate on a new way of eating).

    Look at the later weeks. If you're losing or gaining when you don't want to, adjust upward or downward in calories until you stabilize in weight. If you're off by a lot, use the approximation that one pound gained or lost is 3500 calories - for example, if you gained half a pound a week you didn't want, cut 250 daily calories (half a pound is half of 3500, i.e. 1750; 1750 divided by 7 days in a week is 250). Or, add/subtract 100 calories a day to move in the desired direction, monitor for a couple of weeks, then adjust again if needed.

    Eat back exercise calories, or, if it's fairly consistent from week to week, you can start with a TDEE calculator to get a starting daily calorie estimate that includes exercise, and adjust from there.

    Obviously, you can adjust before 4-6 weeks if you see dramatic gain or loss you don't want - but do anticipate that there could be atypical weight fluctuation in that first week or two.

    Best wishes!