Fear of going to a gym?



  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    I pretty much refuse to go to a gym because I'm horribly embarrassed by my fat and it's just not feasible for me to be able to go since I rely on others to be able to get me to places. (I have no DL.) The only thing I do is walk on my lunch breaks.
  • goldenday
    goldenday Posts: 204 Member
    You don't need to join a gym to lose weight- It's doable without.

    I know it's scary, but feel the fear and do it anyway.It gets much easier and after a while becomes like second nature. Put your headphones on and it's easier to tune everyone else out. I've honestly been exactly where you are. I walked in when I was at my heaviest around a UK 18-20. The best line I heard from someone was "if you're afraid of what they're thinking about you at the gym- then what would they be thinking of you at macdonalds?"

    Your there to work on improving your fitness and everyone started from somewhere.The very muscular guys weren't born like that. It came from effort and even when I had lost around 30lbs- I still found my first week of c25k where we had to run for 1.30 mins hard! I honestly secretly cheer for people I see who are taking the time out to improve themselves.

    I've been in crossfit classes where I was the biggest girl and everyone else looked like they could be models from a fitness magazine. But you need to go easy on yourself. I felt they would all be judging me, but the group and the trainer were all actually rather friendly and nice.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Everyone in that gym started with the same sub-two min cardio capacity. Everyone there started at zero at some point. Go, listen, and learn. Leave ego at the door. Everyone around you is just as self-conscious as you are, possibly even more so.

    The hardest thing about a gym is going consistently. You are out of your comfort zone and this will continue until you are experienced enough that it becomes comfortable.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    Lots of ppl feel the fear, even if they've been to a gym before. Today I went to check out a new gym and the last couple of weeks I've been a bit afraid because it's a brand new place. I don't know anyone, don't know the facility layout, what if the patrons were jerks? Etc etc. But I went in there and just focused on myself and my workout and it was great. Just do you!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Lots of ppl feel the fear, even if they've been to a gym before. Today I went to check out a new gym and the last couple of weeks I've been a bit afraid because it's a brand new place. I don't know anyone,

    this is so true. the lifting doesn't scare me anymore, but i was startled by how displaced i felt when i started using a second branch of the rec centre for one of my workouts each week.

  • thegentleviking
    thegentleviking Posts: 1 Member
    Jamie, you are not alone. I was diagnosed as having what psychiatrist call Social Anxiety Disorder--it just means I'm not at all comfortable in places like gyms! I always feel "judged" by others. I've had to come to terms with it as a reality. So that means working out at home and outside are my only options. I've fallen off the wagon this winter and want to get back on (which is why I joined here). I don't know how old you are, but if you're over 30, do not dismiss using some sort of weight lifting. Men's body's respond to increased strength and begin to burn calories fairly easily. But like Gearhead 426 above, I also totally believe using your own body as the weight is the key. I tried it last time and found it was more invigorating than weights and seemed less of a chore than weights do. I got to move and feel myself getting out of breath (in a good, invigorating way) and it just made me feel alive! Walking is the best "aerobic" way to lose weight, so I plan to walk several days and to do body weight exercise twice a week (many recommend 3 times a week, but it's my plan and I'm calling the shots---not to mention I'm 63 years old and I think that's about all I can handle right now! Ha!) So don't feel that you are alone in this fear of the gym--you are not, my friend! I liked the way one of the employees at a gym explained it to me. He said, "Some people are "Mall" people and some people are "Library" people. The same applies to gyms. Some people work best in a group....other people work best alone".