Intermittent fasting during Perimenopause

I've hit that time in my life when 'they' say it's harder to lose weight.. and I'm beginning to think they are right!! I've heard great things about intermittent fasting (16:8 version) albeit from younger female friends so I thought I'd give it a go. Just wondering if any ladies out there are having success with IF despite being of a certain age??? Thanks


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm 46, and I lost weight just fine in 2013-14 (50 pounds in a year). I'm fasting for 16-18 hours most days now. My eating schedule just evolved into this when I couldn't muster appetite for my evening meal anymore.

    I'd say it's a success, but so was eating my meals over a longer time each day. I had up to 6 or 7 smaller meals. For me, the benefits of only 3 meals are fewer dishes to wash and less time/mental energy spent on food (planning, shopping, cooking, eating). The benefit of not eating "all the time" is that it feels really tidy and normal for a grownup.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,334 Member
    I am in my sixties and I have been doing IF for years, but only because that's the way I naturally want to eat. It isn't a "weight loss" plan, it's just a way of eating that allows me to eat two largish meals a day and still stay under my calories.

    Some people like to skip a meal. That's what I do. I don't like little bitty meals all day long, it leaves me frustrated and hungry and obsessing about food. Two larger meals are better for me. I get up early (4:30-5AM) and don't eat till later, usually around 9AM. Then I eat again around 3:30-5PM and then I'm in bed by 8:30-9PM.

    Weight loss is still and always about regulating your food intake. This is just a natural way for me.
  • Papergirl66
    Papergirl66 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for replying.. 50lbs in a year is fantastic, well done, I'd be happy with that!! The less time spent thinking about food the better for me too really, I find when I am watching what I eat I'm constantly thinking about my next meal and checking its within my calorie limit.. I'm hoping IF will allow a little more freedom!! :0)
  • jlo110
    jlo110 Posts: 2 Member
    I sort of do IF along with lower carbs. I usually start eating breakfast at around 4:30 AM eating 2 pieces of multigrain toast with butter, coffee with cream and a 160z glass of diet cranberry juice. I skip lunch, then have dinner around 4:30 PM eating whatever meat I feel like having, usually 6- 8 ounces along with about 2 cups of vegetables, then I will have any type of Kind Bar as my dessert. I allow myself a cheat meal once or twice a week, where I eat whatever I want. So far this has been working for me and the weight is coming off.